Start from the beginning

       They were in a conga line singing the girls song. Ray was carrying both girls dress bags. Lee had argued with him, but he won and made her let him carry hers. The kids walked onto the front porch as he spoke in astonishment.

       "You two and your Phantoms were unbelievable tonight. You know, I'd like to thank them for bringing music back into both of your lives."

       Julie shrugged, "I already did." Lee nodded in agreement. "But I didn't thank you, papi." Julie handed her brother the Dahlia. She told Lee that they were gonna have to have a seriously long talk tonight to understand what happened to them.

       The girls walked forward and hugged Ray, "Ah, my two favorite girls. Don't tell Flynn I said that."

       They laughed and Lee spoke, "I won't. As long as she agrees that our group name should be Terrific Trio."

       They broke apart and turned to Carlos, "Hey, guys, uh, can I talk to you for a second?"

       "Yeah. Yeah, um, just give us a minute," Julie nodded to her brother.

       "Okay, I'll wait up. Don't ghost me," he winked at them.

       Lee giggled and played with his hair, "Okay, see you in a bit, Silly Goose." He swatted her hand away before going into the house.

       The pair walked to the garage. They opened both doors and looked into the emptiness with sad faces. Lee was the first to take a step, "I..." Julie grabbed her hand for reassurance. "I know I wasn't able to talk to you guys for long in there but, uh..." she rocked back and forth on her heels, "...thank you, guys."

       The girls held onto each other tightly as their eyes got watery. The sentimental moment was ruined when someone replied, "You're welcome."

       Julie let go of Lee and ran to the light switch. The girls were now able to see the three ghosts piled on top of each other, groaning in pain. The pair slowly walked forward, afraid to ask.

       "Why... Why are you here? I... I thought..." Jolts cut Julie off and Lee flinched back as if she can feel their pain. The boys coughed once more.

       Lee shook her head holding back tears, "No... no! I thought you crossed over. Why didn't you cross over?" The boys held their stomachs as they picked themselves up.

       "I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business," Alex shrugged in pain.

       "Point Caleb," Reggie said from where he was leant up agains the studio couch.

       They looked back and forth from each ghost, then Luke spoke, "We wanted you to think that we crossed over, so we pretended to." The tears welling in his eyes was clear to anyone. "We just... We had nowhere else to go." He holds back a sob.

       "We thought you'd go straight to bed," Reggie admitted in a low voice.

       Alex slowly stood up, "Yeah, well, I knew she was gonna come out here, and that Lee would most likely sleep over, but nobody ever listens to me." Another jolt went through them and like before, Lee flinches.

       The girls ran forward, "You how to save yourselves right now. Go join Caleb's club. Please." Lee cried to Luke as he stood, "It's better than not existing at all."

       "Please just go. Go! Poof out!" Julie begged the three of them, "Do something! Please. Do it for me. For Lee." Luke looked to the blonde who was already looking at him with sad eyes.

       "We're not going back there," Reggie shook his head in dismissal.

       Luke breathed heavily to the girl in front of him, "No music is worth making, Lee, if I'm not making it with you. And if we aren't performing as a band with Julie."

       Lee's nose flared as she tried to breath. "No regrets," Luke whispered as tears fell from his eyes. Lee jumped into his arms. She couldn't bare to see him like this and she couldn't hold in her tears any longer.

       "I love you guys," she sounded congested due to her crying, but she didn't care. She needed them to know.

       Julie's eyes were wide, "Uh, Lee?"

       Lee realized what Julie was pointing out. She was able to touch Luke again. As she left the hug, Luke began to glow. They held hands and she asked, "How can I feel you? I don't have my book with me."

       "I... I... I don't know," Luke shook his head slightly. Lee placed her hands on his face as he did the same. She brought her hands down and he grabbed them and held them to his chest. He turned to the boys and Julie, "I feel stronger."

       As he looked back to her, Lee instructed, "Julie, hold Alex and Reggie's hands." Julie was able to grab them and pull them up. "Now, come here."

       Julie brought the guys over and they wrapped their arms in a group hug. When they let go, they saw a light shine out of them.

       "Whoa," Reggie breathed, "I.. I.. I don't feel as weak anymore.

       "Yeah, me neither," Alex agrees, "Not that, you know, I was ever that weak." The group collectively chuckled in response. The boys grabbed their wrists as a purple light shown through. The five band members watched as Caleb's stamp lifted into the air, never to be seen again.

       "What do you think that means?" Julie asked no one in particular.

       Luke lifted his head and stared at the ceiling, "I think the band's back." They chuckled happily.

       Alex looked around and carefully asked, "You guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?"

       Luke turned to Lee as he responded to Alex, "Yeah. Just give me a minute." He stepped over to her and lifted her head with his hand on her jaw. His other arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her in for a sweet kiss.

       The band mates behind them watched with bright grins that they were finally able to be together. Lee smiled into the kiss, never wanting to let go unless she had to breathe. Luke was the one to break the kiss. Lee's eyes were still closed when he asked, "Did I do it right?"

       Her smile grew wider as she remembered when he was there for her confessing how she would want her kiss scene to go. She opened her eyes and held his face in the palm of her hands, "You did it better." The two leant in for another kiss. Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck, weaved her fingers through his hair. Life was perfect.

Down <Luke Patterson>

Down <Luke Patterson>

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(🎤) T TIME!

       Olivia and Jordan singing ‼️ mwah! *chef's kiss* 👩‍🍳 💋

       You didn't think the story was over, did you?

       Just you wait! I have a surprise for you <3


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