Coach:No I haven't , why is everything okay?

Me: Yeah it's okay.

Coach:Today Is practice, if he comes I'll tell him he needs to call you, Alright.

Me: Okay, thanks coach.

Coach: No problem Daniqua

I hung the phone up and my blood started boiling right on the spot..he fucking lied to me. Talking bout I'm signing papers with coach....ole' lying ass bastard!!! Ain't nobody seen his ass or talked to him. I unlocked phone and went straight to this tracker app I downloaded a few months ago. I typed in Odell's number and right when his location was about to pop up my phone started ringing..I didn't know the number and I was hoping it wasn't a hospital or a police station about Odell.



A female voice spoke in a broken tone.

Me: Who's this?

??: It's Kayla...remember we met at the doctors office a few weeks ago.. You gave me you're number..

Me: Oh yeah I remember, What's up?

Kay: Can you please come get me...I'll text you my address just please come get me.

Me:Why? What's wrong?

Kay: Me and my mom got arguing..she hit me and put me out..

Me:Yeah sweetheart text me you're address I'll be there soon.

Kay: Thank you so much..

Me: It's no problem Hun.

I sighed and grabbed my purse, she texted me her address and I headed out the door. The drive wasn't too far from where I lived. 5 minutes and 45 seconds to be exact.. I got out the car and the closer I got to the front door the louder the yelling became. I knocked on the door and a tall darkskin guy answered, he had dreads and his eyes were like a hazelish green color.

"I'm Danielle...Is Kayla here?" I asked.

"That's my sister..she should be down soon, you can come in if you want." He shrugged and moved aside

I walked in and noticed another guy sitting on the couch with dreads too. He was shorter but looked around 20. Kayla's mom came downstairs stomping and she stopped once she seen me.

"You here for the Hoe upstairs?" She grabbed a cigarette off the marble coffee table.

"I'm here for Kayla..she called me earlier."

"Mmhh well I don't know a Kayla..I know a fast little girl who's only 15 and pregnant by a nigga who don't give a damn about her." She said smoking the cigarette.

"Mom chill out.." The guy who answered the door said in an irritated tone.

"Issa shut up !! I'll say whatever the hell I want in my house I don't give a damn." She blew smoke in his face.

Kayla came downstairs with her bags and with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"I'll help you baby cousin." The other dread head said standing up from the couch.

"Thanks Ques.." She weakly smiled.

"I'll help you too." Issa said grabbing her other 2 bags.

Me and Kayla walked out behind them and the door slammed behind us. Her mother was very rude. She gave both the guys a hug and got in the passenger seat. I got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"Thanks Danielle..." She smiled.

"No problem.." I smiled.

"I have an Aunt who lives in manhattan..she said I could move in with her so I'll be gone by the morning."

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now