The Recital to end all Recitals

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"Higher! Hold One, two, Three, Four... Again!" 

Groaning internally Eden was lifted into the air again, Recital week was always tough but now Eden was joining the Senior company. Her face was flushed pink, her unruly curls escaping the once neat ponytail.

After a technique class, Eden was instructed to go and join the senior class in preparation for their first group dance. The tempo was a lot faster than the elites. Eden being the lightest in the group was given the lead part, they incorporated a lot of lifts just for her. Thankfully the two boys in the group were Jack and Shawn. She trusted they wouldn't drop her.

"Good job guys!" Angelina clapped in achievement.

"Do that Friday and you'll blow the audience away" the group cheered happy with their praise. "Okay you can all go take a break... Eden stay I want to talk to you"

The teenagers walked off eager fro a drink of water, they had been dancing non-stop.. relearning old dances and new.

"Here baby have a drink of my water while I talk" she cooed wiping her sweaty forehead. 

"Thanks mom" 

"Now.. How are you finding dancing with the Seniors?" she asked apprehensively, it was clear that her daughter was gifted in dance and music. She was able to keep up with older and more experienced dancers.

"I love it!! Their pieces are a lot more mature and technical... I feel like I fit in. They all talk to me and their moms are very nice" she rambled happily.

"Good! I'm glad your fitting in. Your able to keep up with them! Your doing such a good job baby" she whispered in assurance, kissing the top of her head. 

"Thanks mom, love you!" she replied, hugging her tightly.

"So what do you think about our little duet? was it a nice surprise?" Angelina smiled, knowing Eden loved to dance with her mom.

"The best surprise ever!" She squealed, excitement bubbling off her. "When are we starting it!! Dad's going to be so excited to see it!" 

"We can start it tonight at home.. I already have the music. We're going to blow them away, aren't we??" 

"Yes!! I'm so excited.. so are the girls! they can't wait to see you dance"

"Well I can't wait to dance with my mini me!"

Giggling the pair danced around the room, the teenagers smiled at the beautiful mother/ daughter moment. Not wanting to interrupt they waited outside, cooing as Eden's contagious laugh erupted from the little girl.


"So this is Lucas and Zachary" Jacob introduced, pulling Eden into his side. He knew she was nervous her tell tale signs were giving her away. First came the playing of her fingers, followed by shifting on her feet and finally playing with the ends of her hair.

"Hi" she chirped shyly, wanting to make new friends.

Lucas gave her a small smile in greeting, for a twelve year old he was tall his spiked black hair giving him extra height. 

"It's nice to meet you! Finally I can put a face to the name!" Zachary yelled, lifting a surprised Eden off the ground and spinning her around.


"Zach! What did I say? You can't pick her up.. you'll scare her" Lucas exclaimed, facepalming. 

"Oh you did mention something like that" he said finally placing Eden down beside Jacob.

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