He pretended to look hurt, and put his hand on his heart like he was in pain and said "That hurt Kylie, you should know I'm also a very-"

I rolled my eyes and walked off before he could say anything else.

I could hear the leaves crunching as he caught up to me. "You could have helped me up and then walk away you know; and you were saying I was uncivilized. Speaking of being uncivilized, you rudely walked away when we were in a middle of a conversation and I was about to mention how I was a-"

"An annoying creepy stalker with no life? And as for helping you up? No way buster, you tackled me and if I go home and see any bruises I will kill you. So you can get up by yourself unless you're a gir-"

He put his hand on my mouth to shut me up "Shhh." he whispered in my ears from behind me.

I cursed him in my head and bit his hand. He pulled his hand away "What the hell Kylie?!"

I smirked "That's what you get for putting your disgusting, dirty-"

He glared at me "Seriously, shut up for a minute." I was about to snap at him when I saw him looking around nervously. He turned around slowly and I began to get worried. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

He looked at me with scared eyes causing my heart to race. I looked at him scared "What is it?"

He gave me a serious look "When I say run you run ok?"

I shook my head "What is it-" he narrowed his eyes at me "Don't argue Kylie, when I say run, you run! Understand?!"

I nodded and bit my lip hard. My hands were getting sweaty and m He turned around to face me and I looked at him scared. A million things ran through my head. "A-are we going t-to die." I whispered.

He bit his lip hard and looked away. I started panicking "Are we?!" I wanted to cry again when I heard him snort and then burst out laughing. I narrowed my eyes "How can you laug-"

He shook his head and continued to laugh "Y-you a-actually fell for i-it." I frowned, confused when it suddenly hit me.

"Your face when you thought I was for real" he said in between fits of laughter.

I glared at him "Jerk!" I said while shoving him away from me, fuming in annoyance.

He just laughed and I continued to glare at him "It's really not funny." I said, dryly.

When he finally stopped laughing he grinned and said "It is, you should have seen your face. Are w-we g-g-going to d-die? " he mocked me and I shoved him one more time and walked away.

"You're an unbelievable asscrown."

He caught up to me and continued to annoy me "Oh Ky, don't be mad at me." he said with mock hurt.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance, trying to contain my laughter. He nudged me "I know you want to laugh Ky."

I rolled my eyes at his childish antics  "Why are you even out here? And why did you have to be an ass and creep me out by wearing your hoodie and stalk me like a prey or something?"

"A hoodie? Stalk you? What are you going on about? I saw you running away and obviously, I was going to try and stop you. It's not safe to run around here." He said and shook his head like he was a worried parent.

I grabbed his arm which made him look at me "Stop messing about. I saw you when I went out of the cabin and you had a black hoodie on-"

"I'm not lying, Kylie. I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Look, I'm not wearing a hoodie, am I?" I looked at his black shirt and frowned at him "You could have tossed it aside."

He glared at me "Believe what you want, but I'm not lying to you." He said angrily and continued walking.

Why is he mad at me? He was the one that tackled me and he is the one messing around. What an ass.

I sighed, deciding to drop it. "So, you didn't tell me your name." I muttered, attempting to break the silence after a while.

He raised an eyebrow at me and pouted "I know your name without having to ask and you don't even know mine? Why do you keep hurting me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not a creepy stalker like you." His mood suddenly changed and he glared at me again "If you're still going on about me wearing a hoodie to stalk and creep on you-"

I rolled my eyes "You have to chill. I already dropped it. I was just playing. Seems like you're the only one that can play around."

He gave me an amused look "My name is Cole Ackwood."

Is he bipolar or something?

I ignored his sudden change in mood and smiled "See? That wasn't so hard was it? We could actually have a normal conversation if you aren't being annoying on purpose."

He laughed "Let me think, a boring normal awkward conversation? Nahh I'd rather see you get mad and frustrated with me."

He smirked at me "You're cute when you're mad you know?" He gave me a wink. I looked away from him, hiding the blush on my face and bit my lip hard to stop myself from smiling.

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