🌊Chapter 27🌊

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This Chapter is made out of the idea from Olivia200312, who I asked for advice on this. I just changed it up a bit. While writing this, I don't know if it will take two Chapters to finish off the last scene with MECH or only one, but in either way, I hope you guys are prepared for what is about to come.


Evee didn't knew how long she was out. But once she woke up, she found herself back into a familiar place, that she wished to never see again. But...it was way different from the way she remembered. 
She was cuffed onto some old, rusty chains that were sticking out from the walls of the cave she was in, the cave had only a small opening for fresh air, the rest of the place was surrounded by water, well, not clearly, since only a waterfall was falling down infront of her. As her memories were also slowly catching up with her, she remembered what happened. She was on her way home, while the Autobots were being transported into their new base, but then got captured by no other then Megatron. 

Struggling on her chains, she tried to get free, but it was to no avail. Evee looked around, trying not to lose her mind. Where was she, if this wasn't the Decepticoncave!?
"Finally awake, I see",she heard a voice speaking," I was wondering when you will wake up." Finally meeting the eyes of her opponent, Evee narrowed her eyes." Megatron." She spat the name out with Venom in her voice, clearly stating, that she didn't take a great liking at all towards the Decepticon Leader. The shark only chuckled at her attempt:" Now, now, no need to show claws, my dear."

"Stop playing nice!",Evee hissed angrily, pulling on her chains," Optimus will-"" Ah, yes. Your beloved sparkmate. How could I forget him?" Evee flinched. How did he knew that she and Optimus were...
"You know, dear, Soundwave is pretty good at spying on people. Or didn't you knew that." Evilly grinning, Megatron swam aside to show the Merformer, who had helped Evee to escape also." Soundwave...",the girl breathed out softly. 

Soundwave wasn't eyeing the human girl at all. He was looking into the poisonous water, arms behind his back, while Laserbeak was swimming around him like a predator." What did you do to him!?",the girl eventually yelled, pulling aggressively on her chains." Nothing, that your kind wouldn't do to the sharks and whales in this ocean",grinned Megatron. Evee's eyes widened at that. No...he didn't...

"What do you want from me!",she yelled after a few seconds of silence, pulling once more hopelessly on her chains, for Megatron, a surely amused sight to watch." Oh, I want nothing from you, my dear. It is more...what my new friends want from you",replied the Warlord, swimming closer to the girl. His clawed hand reached up to her face once he was infront of her. Evee had serveal hopeless attempts to pull her head away from him, but it was no use." Look at you...you females are surely a sight to behold. No wonder Optimus chose you as his sparkmate",grinned Megatron," But he won't be able to hold you in his arms for long. Only your miserable, dead corpse, once MECH is done with you." Flinching at those words, Evee stared at Megatron in disbelief. He...made a contract with MECH...?

"You will kill your own people if you choose to cooperate with MECH!",she yelled after him, as the Warlord swam away from her," MECH only wants one thing and that is either someone from you or the Autobots!"
"Oh trust me, my dear. The only goal, they have right now, is to get you back under their control. So why don't you just sit back and relax, until our guests arrive."
"YOU'RE INSANE!!",screamed Evee at Megatron, who wasn't bothered by her screaming at all. Only a small chuckle left his lips, as he dived down and dissapeared, Soundwave following. 

Evee soon only heard the splashing of the waterfall infront of her, while she sat on the platform behind it, chained up and completly wet from the water. The wind was also chilly and not doing any good in drying her clothes, which her soaking with water. She will surely get sick...
At the same time, she felt so incredibly sorry for Soundwave, such as Laserbeak. She dosen't want to imagine, what Megatron had done to them both or to Shockwave, Knockout, such as Breakdown. Where were those three anyways...
Evee sighed and looked up to the hole, where the waterfall was emerging from. Stars twinkled above her head, the moon was also luminating the place with its light. But it barely made it to the ground of the water, since it had gotten too dark to even see through.

Deep down, Evee began to wonder, what MECH was planning to do with her. Not only did she flodd the building they were working in almost half a year ago, she also basically exposed, what they were doing to all those animals they had captured in their facility. The only part, which would make sense, that MECH, or more Silas, was seeking out revenge, for what she did. And revenge can only turn out in the worst of ways...


"No sign from her?"

"No, she dosen't even answer Miko's calls."

By now, the Autobots, such as the humans had noticed, that something was wrong, when Evee didn't show up the next day, like she promised to. But since Team Prime was currently settling into their new base, it was left for the humans to scout and look around for any signs of the girl. Optimus, who was deeply worried for his sparkmate, tried his best to keep his emotions in check to encourage his Team to not give up hope. Evee was out there somewhere, alive and well. What he hoped for at least...

"Thank you, Jack." The said Prime, who had talked just now with the boy, nodded his head and swam back to his Team. With a sigh, Jack watched Optimus talking with his Team, sitting down at the edge of the tank, Miko and Raf joining him." What did he say?",asked Miko, looking at Jack." He only nodded his head and thanked me. It must be a lot for him, not knowing, where she is." Jack stared at Optimus, by now gotten behind his facade of making it seem like, he was calm through all of this. He knew, the Prime was worried deep inside, but only kept it in check for the sake of his Team. 
"Do you think they will find her? This is the second time, Evee has been captured or gone missing",mumbled Raf." It just dosen't seem right",replied Miko directly after," Why would the Decepticons try to capture her again, I mean, for what reason?"

As Jack tried to think about Miko's words, suddenly the alarm went off, luminating the whole building with a greenish light." Something is approaching our base",said Ratchet, typing away on the keyboard infront of him." How did the Decepticons find us so fast!?",yelled Miko in shock." They didn't",said Ratchet, before activating the groundbridge, he had been working on the whole night, once they had gotten here," Those are the sensors of our old base, they remained active even after moving into here. Well, Agent Fowler made sure of that."

"Then who is contacing us, Ratchet?",asked Optimus, swimming up to the medic. Typing once more away on the keyboard, all Autobots were looking towards the opened up groundbridge, only to see two familiar Decepticons swim through. The kids gasped in shock, while the Autobots looked alarmed.

"Knockout and Breakdown?"

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