🌊Chapter 26🌊

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As to be expected to Evees suspicions that something wasn't right with the ocean, the days became colder and the water weirder. Each time she was brought to the Autobotcave, she saw the color dissapearing underwater, the fish and other living animals had dissapeared, leaving the areas they used to live in empty. It saddened her, the ocean used to be so lively. But the fish and other living beings weren't the only ones suffering. 
As if things couldn't get any worse, the Autobots, well, some of them, started to feel sick because of the cold of the water, and not to mention, it wasn't getting any better. 

Evee, such as the kids, June and Agent Fowler were not able to do anything to help. They could just watch the Autobots trying their best to survive in this current state of the weather and the ocean. 

Speaking of Evee, she was standing at the edge of the rockplatforms, looking up to her partner and guardian, who had hovered himself up with his two strong arms to be at her eye level. The girl was caressing his face, earing soft purrs from the Autobot Leader in apprechiation." I'm worried, Optimus",she mumbled with a soft voice. The Prime sighed, opening his eyes to look at her:" I know, sweetspark."
Evee held his face gently in her hands, her eyes full of worry and concern, while she held the eye contact with the Leader infront of her:" Is there really nothing I can do?" Optimus sighed once more, one of his hands reaching up to push her hair gently back:" I'm afraid not, my dear." With a heavy sigh, Evee closed her eyes. She wished she could help him and his Team, she knew they were suffering from the cold and from how strange the water had become. 

They were out on missions a lot, scouting the area for anything relatable to this issue, but nothing had been found since. The Energon they were taking to survive, next to the sea plants they were eating, grew short, due to the plants dying and the fish dissapearing. From what she had heard from Ultra Magnus, the Decepticons are also desperate to search for Energon, the Vehicons, they were encountering, were mostly weak and drained of power. 

"Optimus." The voice from Ultra Magnus tore the two apart. The said Leader looked at his former Trainee, before looking at his beloved sparkmate." You need to go...?",Evee said softly, to which the Prime only nodded with a sorrowful face. Tracing over his cheek, earning once more a purr from the Prime, Evee finally stepped back:" Take care, alright?"
Optimus nodded, making no such promise in return, but the girl knew better.
He will try his best.

Optimus swam to his Team, soon leaving the cave with them eventually. Sighing softly, Evee sat down at the edge of the rock she was standing on, looking into the dark and colorless water. Her fingers brushed the stones that are in it, they felt sharp under her fingertips, but not sharp enough to injure her. The kids took a seat next to her, watching her." Hey",said Miko rather soft, wearing a hoodie to keep herself warm. Jack and Raf were no different." I just wish I could do something to help",Evee said with audible anger in her voice as she looked at the reflection the water was giving her," I feel so...useless for just being here and not being able to do anything."
"We do too",said Miko, looking at her guardian. Bulkhead, much like everyone else, had changed due to the waters conditions. Agent Fowler had considered moving the Autobots into a tank with fresh water and living in it, to eat and hunt naturally and having a new base to hide in, even a passage into the ocean when they go on missions. Ratchet had in mind anways to build a groundbridge for faster traveling around the ocean. 

"They need help...they won't survive for long, when they remain in this poisonous water. And the cave won't be able to protect them also...",mumbled Evee in worry, staring up to the hole, where the waterfall once fell through, filling the cave with a refreshing sound. Now, it had gone quiet, once it dissapeared due to the conditions of the said water.
"Don't worry you kids",came Agent Fowler up to them all," Tonight, me and my boys will move them to the empty but renovated Aquarium building so they survive whatever caused the water to be like this. They will have fresh water, fish to hunt and whatever else they need for food and to survive." The Agent looked at the kids with a gentle smile, hoping the message he was giving to them will lighten up their spirits a bit:" Each of them will be alright...I promise you that."

"Maybe we can also swim with them again when they have time",mentioned Evee, making Miko, who had been looking down still by Fowler's words, lighten up with a smile." Really?!" Evee chuckled with a small smile before looking back at her reflection, the water was giving her.
It seemed almost so dull like the water itself, so dark and unable to look through. And remembering to how it was before... standing up, Evee hid her hands in the bags of her jacket, watching the Autobots talk about the current situation and their missions. The kids followed her stance, watching their guardians and the others. They all hoped, that they would feel better, once they are moved into the building to survive...


It was around midnight, when the military came to transport the Autobots into their new home. Agent Fowler, the kids, June and Evee were witnessing, how each of them got taken out of the water and putted into a tank to travel in. The kids wanted to go with their guardians and stay the night at the Aquarium building, so they were already in one of the cars, that was there. Evee however...

She was standing on the same rock platform she always had been standing on since she got here. It were only a few months, maybe half a year, when she met Optimus and the Autobots, such as June, the kids and Agent Fowler. It was sad seeing the place they once used as hideout and to have fun in being now abandonded to the current condition.
"It's like something is robbing them from everything...",she muttered, her eyes going over the place one last time. 
"Hey, kid." Turning around to Agent Fowler, Evee met with the Agent's." Are you sure you don't want to come with us? It would be much safer..." Evee smiled and shook her head:" No, I'll be okay. I just...want to spend some more time here, before going home. I'm certain the Autobots need to settle in first into their new home and hideout."

Agent Fowler nodded before patting the girls shoulder:" Take care, kid." Nodding at that, Evee watched him walk away. Soon, the cars and trucks, that were carrying the Autobots dissapeared and left the place dark. Only the soft wind was going through the leafs of the trees around Evee, while the water splashes slightly against the stones. 
Evee let her gaze go around the place, recalling everything that had happened here, since she found out about the Merformers. 

So many memories were made here, so many things happened here, good and bad. If she was honest, she wasn't ready to say goodbye to such a place yet, she had grown to like and make memories with. 
A few tears came out of the girls eyes, but she wiped them away fast." I should go home...",she muttered eventually, turning around after letting her eyes scan the place one last time. 

Leaving the Autobotcave behind, she walked through the forest towards the beach, which was a bit far away. The way there was little bit more easier, but also near the ocean. Evee remembered her first encounter with the Decepticons. She actually felt sorry for kicking Knockout in the face, now that he was someone who had saved her from the Decepticons. And she only got into danger, because Miko decided to run after the Autobots. Chuckling to herself, Evee continued to walk on.

Playing hide and seek in the cave was also fun, but not when Ratchet decided to race her through the cave, when she accidently knocked something over. Racing with the Merformers through the cave, learning typical games from their culture. Then the long talks she had with Optimus around the evenings...those were one of her favourite memories. 
Her and the Leader had grown so close in this short time...

"I will miss this place...",muttered the girl under her breath, standing still for a short moment.
"Don't worry, you will go back to this place soon",said suddenly a darker voice behind her." What-",before Evee could react, she got pulled by two dark grey colored arms into the water. She screamed against the hand that was covering her mouth, struggling in the cold water, only to lose her conciousness afterwards. But for a short moment, she could make out the familiar face of no other then Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons...

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