the first taste of coffee,

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tomorrow is my first date with the lovely y/n. where had we picked? the aquarium. or rather, i had. i thought that the aquarium was a very endearing and scenic route. i hoped my choices suited her enough.

but that meant shopping, for more "regular clothes". who could you ask..other than the old abby, abbachio himself?

"abbachio... can you..come shopping with me?" he turned to me, in shock that i would ever search for new clothes. "and," i added, "new cologne and shampoo?"

"...i'm asking you about this on the ride there." he smirked, a devilish tone in his voice. "grab the keys."

"we're going out for the day!" abbachio announced to bruno. he waved us a goodbye, as i slouched in the passenger seat. "A WHOLE DAY?" 

"yes, why do you think me and bruno take forever?..don't answer that." i laughed, and contemplated telling him myself. "so? who is it?" i moved in my seat uncomfortably, gesturing my hands, trying to figure out how to say it.

"a girl, the one nara talked about a few months ago. i asked her out. i kind of want to shower though, so i don't smell weird." he turned to me, ignoring the giant driving hazard, confused and in awe. "women really do change people." i snorted. "and thats why you're gay, abbachio." an elbow on the rib and a cackle after, we chatted on how i met her, and about my confession.

"okay, i get it, you're head over heels, but we're here."

entering the first store, i pondered the rows and rows of different shampoos. "take this one. and don't, i repeat, DON'T use head and shoulders. ever." i didn't question him, and put the expensive looking shampoo in the bag. "light conditioner, you don't need too much, its bad for the skin. your hair is fairly short, so." he tossed that into my bag, as well as some other products.

"we're going to sephora. i'm going to teach you the wonders of makeup." highly enthralled, i walked into the store, avoiding the judgy looks from the workers. "use this eyeshadow pallet under your eyes, and light bronzer around your cheeks. this contour too. light lip balm and lipstick.. black eye shadow.. there. you're set."

"okay, i know what it is, but how do i use it?" my brain was paced at 500 thoughts per minute. "i'l help you tomorrow, but then you're on your own. lets go to the cologne store, then clothing shops."

during the cologne part, i almost burned off every hair in my nostrils smelling all that.. "manliness". i ended up buying a very faint scent that smelled of deep red roses and a whole lot of sexiness. at least to me. "i don't know what's wrong with my clothes now.." i mumbled, not wanting to start the avalanche of the conversation abbachio's fashion brought. "a lot, mista, a whole lot. try this turtle neck, it suits you. the pants are fine, but no more crops. you look—"

"gay. yes i know, because i am a definite fruit cup. can i get new beanies?"

"beanies are fine. grab the white striped tank."

constructing several outfits fitting for all seasons, we cashed out, spending a lot more money i thought we would. "that's really expensive.." i shuddered, when abbachio added, "expensive? mista, this is the cost of like, nothing. its not that much at all." well, for one i wasn't one that knew much about hygiene anyway. or dates. or makeup.

arriving home, at midnight, i hit the hay, taking off my hat, beanie, and pants, crawling into my well kept bed. dreaming about the weird cologne i had smelled, i drifted off, fantasizing about the day to come.  

the morning came too early, and so did abbachio, pushing me off of my bed, telling me to shower already.

"shampoo.. conditioner.. others.." i mumbled, hoping i wouldn't mess the process up. many lathers and hand cramps later, i felt.. oddly refreshed. maybe showering isn't so bad. coming out dripping wet, i dried off and put on the body lotion we bought as well as a few light spritzes of cologne. 

muses and roses; an analogy to my beloved. (mista x reader !!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя