thorns and some tea,

23 1 0

mista's pov

i met y/n a year ago. she was graceful, dangerous, malevolent. beautiful. and, she worked at a cafe.

"mista.. i'm thirsty.." i sigh, not reluctant to make a pit stop in the middle of a mission. though, i was getting hungry too. "fine, lets make due with whats near. hopefully something will be good." finding a cozy cafe nearing the end of the block, we entered cautiously. "it smells so good in here, mista!" nara was right. the smell of fresh espresso only enhanced the warm dew colors of the cafe. "wait at the table, i'll order you a cold brew." 

"extra whipped cream!" he shouted, as i nodded in response.

"hi, can i please get one cold brew extra whipped cream and three sugars, er, one bagel with cream cheese, and a strawberry lemonade?" 

the girl at the register was beautiful. pretty eyes, and luscious hair. her voice was straightforward and precise. she was amazing.

"coming right up sir! please wait at a table, thank you." weary i had to look away, i shuffled towards narancia, still trying to sneak glances of her name tag.  "that girl is so pretty," i started. "she looks very nice! you like her?" his smug tone rubbed me the wrong way. "well, i think that she's pretty. thats all." 

"you really like her then." 

"cafe crushes are nothing but little petty looks—" i grumbled. but she was very pretty. her skin was clear and her hair moved elegantly upon it. i watched subtly as she slipped the cup under the machine, her fluid movements enchanting me. 

"here you are sirs! have a good day." narancia smiled at me as she walked away, her rigid form moving into the effortless steps of her pretty brown heels. i sipped my coffee as i looked, again, again at her pretty (e/c) eyes. i almost dropped the piping cup onto my lap as bruno called me.

"was the mission successful?"

i hesitated, wondering what he would do if he found us lounging around at a nearby cafe. narancia looked at me with panicked eyes. "no sir! although we're right on his tail, don't you worry." 

"hurry it up, i've gotten some celebratory cakes and candies for you all when you get home. see you soon." he hung up, as me and narancia glanced at each other with excitement. quickly pulling out my wallet, smacking the money down onto the table. thinking again, i set an extra 20 onto the table and head out the door as she smiled, saying 'have a good day sir!' 

as narancia and i finally killed off the traitor, we headed home. as he thunk about the delicious sweets awaiting, i wondered the next time i would see her again. narancia raced to the door as i smelt the warm baking catered by bruno himself. i greeted everyone, sitting by giorno, the don of the mafia.

"how was your day guys?" bruno questioned. We opened our mouths to respond as narancia blurted, a devilish tone in his voice when he said, "MISTA HAS A CRUSH ON A CAFE GIRL!" i looked to the floor as everyone gave me a questioning look, beckoning me to confirm if he was correct or not.

"she just looked pretty, thats all.." immediately bombarded by questions of her eye color to her clothing style, i tensed up. "let's just eat the desserts, guys.." giddy on the inside, i ate my strawberry cake, and thought of the next time i would visit the cafe again. i had to visit again. i would simply lie down and die if i didn't, what kind of a man would i be if i hadn't? 

excusing myself from the dinner table, i feel asleep with my pillow against my burning face. sleep came easily, but apparently, not today. the morning came late for me. forcing my sore legs to shower and get ready, i headed out the door with an empty stomach. just according to plan.

walking down and further into the block, i sensed the warm coffee freshly brewed a few buildings down. 

...i forgot i was wearing my regular outfit. 

booking it back to the house, i cursed under my breath. this was bad. someone was bound to catch me now, but i don't want to walk in wearing a crop top and striped pants. abbachio says it makes me look gay. so what? i looked good in it. fishing to put on my purple beanie, with a loose fitting shirt and plaid pants, i rushed out the door.

no one had caught me again! lucky me. i trotted back to the cafe, preparing myself on what i would say.

walking in to the tiny cafe, i saw her again. victory! "hi," i started, "how are you? can i please get a croissant and a blueberry lemonade?" that was good. no voice cracks. "of course, coming right up sir! please wait at a table as i prepare it." 

i was giddy upon her very voice. short, light, androgynous. beautiful. she was beautiful. her hair only covered her eyes as she waltzed through the back area. she was graceful. she had a (insert color!) top on and dress pants. elegant. boxy. her eyes were heavenly to look at.

"here you are sir! and, er, thank you for the gracious tip you gave, i appreciate it a lot." victory! she must have taken it. "oh, thank you, it was no problem. i liked the food a lot and so did my friend." 

"ahh thats good! i hope that you're a reoccurring customer! you are so pleasant to have." she smiled, and went back to the register. victory x100!! small talk is my best area. i wasn't popular with the ladies, but i did know how to talk my way into a conversation. if only i could talk with her in a non business setting...

finishing my food and drink (which was lovely, probably only because she made it) and threw the plate and cup out. i took out my wallet, and a pen and paper. i gave her a 10 dollar tip (i was getting poor), and wrote a small note onto the paper:

'thank you for your service! :)'

and so, my story of romance with an unknowing waiter had started.

A/N: THANK YOU FOR YOU GUYS THAT READ THIS AHHH i hope you guys like it i just love my boy mista sm and it makes me happy to do him justice in the romance department 😭 thank u for reading the 1st chapter!!! ily :)

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