"Allah help me please"

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Can sat restlessly in the chair across from the police official. He had answered their requisite questions multiple times and yet he was still there. It would be several hours before Metin would arrive and he had not even been able to get in touch with Sanem. He knew that Metin would have contacted her by now and informed her of what was occurring but he needed to hear her voice and know that she believed him. That she didn't doubt him in any way. He stared back at the official as the man begun his question from the top once again. Can did his best not to scream and stand up and tear the room apart. He felt caged in like a lion. He knew that somehow all of this was tied back to Yosef directly or indirectly. His mind kept returning to Jazmin. Whatever she was she didn't deserve the kind of death she got. Nobody did. In the back of his mind he wondered if she had been the intended target or if it had been him that the hit was placed on. The fact was that only a few people knew where they would be staying and as far as he knew none knew they would be booked into the same room other than Jasmin and himself. He had only told Sanem before Jazmins murder and he could only wonder whom Jazmin might have told. He found it hard to believe that she just opened up the doors of the balcony, and jumped to her death willingly. Someone was responsible and he could only guess that their intent was to incriminate him. But they would never find one piece of DNA of his in that room. He had made damn sure to not be lured there by any of Jazmins wiles and he was glad of it now. He had meant to use Jazmin only as far as he could without breaching any moral lines in the sand. He felt sorry that she had believed on her last day that they might have anything together. It made him feel ill to think that that small interaction between them could have been a trigger to have her killed. Everything pointed to Yosef but he couldn't figure out why. The sooner Metin got there the better. For now all he could do was repeat his answers and remain as calm as possible. The truth was he was going slightly mad knowing that Sanem was alone. He couldn't help thinking that she might even be a target. That thought made him shiver in the warm room but he quickly shook it off knowing that to harm her would set off a course of events that would culminate in a war that Yosef couldn't avoid. Then it occurred to him that perhaps he didn't want to avoid it.

Sanem paced back and forth waiting for the car to the airport to arrive. She had gotten a call from Yosef. The man made her skin crawl but she was grateful for his information and his willingness to help. He basically told her that it wasn't good for their business to be in the eye of the media and the unwanted police attention but that Can would be treated fairly. He would see to it. It concerned her for a moment that his words could mean that an official, either the police or a judge; would be paid off to see Can cleared but then again she knew he would never be involved in anything remotely criminal. She trusted him. The fact that Jazmin had organized them both into a room together still bothered her but not for the same reasons as before. The woman had lost her life and although she could never say she liked her she also didn't want her demise either. It couldn't be a coincidence what had occurred. Something smelled wrong and she knew without a doubt that this was intended to hurt Can in some way. However she couldn't be sure it was Yosef as it would only serve to put him in the eye of the press and police and none of them wanted that. She felt fairly sure that it wouldn't be Fabri either as he wouldn't benefit in any way. He had purposefully organized their wedding to ensure her safety. Something was missing but she didn't know what. She had been in the shower when Metin called to give her the news. She played his message as she stood in her bedroom with her bathrobe on and her wet hair flowing down her back. He told her not to worry and to have confidence that Can would be released as there was no evidence linking him to the crimes, it was a mear formality prompted by the fact that Can and Jazmin had a room booked together. The police had nothing on him and he would prove it. He told her to remain there and that as soon as he touched down and spoke with Can he would have him call her. She quickly texted him her thanks and told him to tell Can she loved him. She thought about telling him that she was on her way there but it wouldn't serve any purpose other than to make Can worry and give something else for Metin to have to handle. She had already accepted Yosefs help and would be there not long after Metin arrived himself. She would ask for forgiveness then. It didn't take her long to get ready. She had crossed the room and threw off her bath robe and quickly changed into black jeans, black boots, a white cotton long sleeved shirt and a light black cotton blazer. She felt a chill as she quickly dressed and the same feeling she had had before swept over her. She decided it was nerves and let it go. She wasn't sure how long she would be there so she threw a few things in a bag and raced down the stairs to wait for the car.

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