The Blonde

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Sanem stood watching from the front door as Can got in his Jeep and drove off. When he received the text earlier in the morning he hadn't responded much to her questions other than to kiss her until she couldn't speak anymore. He made love to her slowly, never taking his eyes off her face as he slowly moved in and out of her body. She felt consumed by his penetrating gaze and wanted nothing more than to keep him there, inside her forever. "Caaan....I love you so much". He kissed her and then flipped them over so that she was now on top. He encouraged her with his hands on her hips to ride him and once her movement took on a rhythm he moved his hands to her breasts, rubbing her nipples and squeezing them as she moaned out his name. It didn't take either of them long to reach their goal but when he lowered his hand to stroke her heat she was undone and called out his name loudly, while he bucked into to her and groaned out her name as well.  "Sanem, you will be the death of me my love but I will die a happy man buried in your heat". His hands on her bottom as he pushed into her the last time felt hot and possessive and she felt so protected and loved by this man whom she adored with all her heart. Now as he drove away she felt a sense of dread sweep over her. She shook herself out of it and rubbed her arms and closed the door, locking it securely. She moved across the room and back up the stairs. For some reason the big and beautiful living area always felt cold and she didn't enjoy being there, especially alone. She decided that she would spend the day with her parents and stop by and see Leyla. After the whirlwind of events that had taken place since their wedding, the knowledge of who her parents really were and who Can's mother was, their had been very little time to digest it all. Now they were living back in Istanbul as a married couple and trying to figure out how to get out of a situation they never wanted and not die in the process. She knew that Fabri had threatened Yosef and that Miribahn still had a controlling  interest in "the" business. This was probably the only reason why they were alive. What she didn't like at all was that Can had decided to ramp it up a notch and come up with a plan to free them of the world they had been born into. The plan didn't involve the police nor her father or his mother. Can was relying on a few close friends and ex military friends to help. She hadn't been convinced at first but she knew that they couldn't simply do nothing and running away was not the answer. They would be found at some point and neither of them could see themselves living a life on the run. She had naively proposed to simply have an open conversation with Yosef and simply walk away from it all but after listening to Metin and Can speak to her about Yosefs past and everything he did to get where he was now, she realized that her idea held no water. He would sooner kill Can than blink. To him Can represented an heir to a kingdom he thought he owned. The people he dealt with respected two things. Power and birthright. He only had one of the two and so did Can. She closed her eyes as she changed into Jeans and a t-shirt and remembered how wonderful their time in Capadoccia had been, how they had come together in Ibiza and ultimately chose each other again in Greece. Now they were married and like it or not they had to find their own way out of this mess. She trusted that Can would do anything and everything to free them and she held onto that  everyday since. He hadn't explained all his plans to her but everyday that he went to work at Yosefs offices her heart pounded in her chest with fear. He tried to keep her calm by informing her of the necessary bits but he himself had told her that some information he didn't want to share. She simply didn't need to live a life knowing it. She didn't question him further instead she chose to accept and try and live as normally as possible. Today she would visit her parents and then Leyla. She put her hair up in a pony tail and put on some mascara and lipgloss and then picked up her phone and keys. Today she would make it a good day and when Can came home he would be welcomed by a wonderful meal that she planned to prepare.

Can looked down at his phone and touched the app that tracked Sanem. She had left the house earlier and when she had finally gotten onto the freeway he knew she was headed to her parents. Although he didn't believe any harm would come to her he had agreed with Fabri to have her followed everywhere to insure that she was safe. When he had informed her of it she balked at the idea at first. Once he had convinced her he knew that she had finally come to realize just what kind of world they really lived in. He did his best to keep the true ugliness of that world away from her but there were somethings she needed to know. They had agreed to be honest and not take any undo risks without the other knowing about it. Up until now he had not deviated from the agreement. Once the private jet landed in Bursa he texted her and she quickly responded with a smiley face and kisses. He wanted to call her but Jasmin was at his elbow the entire time. That was a detail he didn't know about until he got on the plane and found the blonde sitting in the back. He smiled and greeted her but inwardly he groaned at having to deal with her less than discreet advances. He needed to bide his time and use her to gain information and to do that he had to tolerate some of her behavior. Telling Sanem that she was on the plane would only make her angry and jealous and while he might find it funny he couldn't help but become angry himself at the thought of the shoe being on the other foot. Once they had gotten underway Jasmin had suggested they have some champagne to kick off the project. He agreed. He knew how to hold his liquor and champagne wasn't much of anything. They wouldn't be on the plane for long and once they wrapped up their introductions and meetings with their business associates there might be time for a dinner with Yosef and then a flight back home. He could tolerate the blonde and her babble for a while. When she leaned over to pass him the drink, she made every effort to rub herself on him. Once that might have been amusing and even gotten his interest up but not now.  All it did now was make him cringe inwardly. The woman didn't have much shame. She wasn't wearing a bra and he could feel her nipples through the thin fabric. She smiled and laughed and he simply smirked in return. When she returned the bottle to the table and walked back to him she stumbled and managed to fall into his lap. There was nothing to do but catch her and she took advantage by wrapping her arms around his neck and before he could stop it she kissed him. His reaction was to gather her by her shoulders and push her away but then he remembered he was supposed to be allowing some of this and so while he did move her away he said. "Jasmin. You do realize I'm a married man. A newlywed. There is nothing I can offer you". His words were all true but the tone of his voice could allow for that sentence to be interpreted in a variety of ways. "Can Bay, I understand completely and I'm willing to take whatever I can get as long as it's with you." He knew that Sanem would somehow be made aware of this by the blonde so he measured his words carefully. "You know well who I am, and who you work for therefor I will only say this once. When and if I decide to enjoy what you are so willing to give, my wife will never know. If for some reason anyone should happen to share details with her then I'm afraid that your job will be terminated on the spot. Now if you don't mind I would like to read the files you brought and I won't be able to do that while you remain seated on my lap". The blond seemed to understand and immediately got up and did as he asked . For the remainder of the flight he was left alone.

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