Chapter 17

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James gets told by lily that Hermoine and Reg are dating. He congratulated her but she just walks away angrily. Sirius overheard and gets mad so he follows Hermoine to the next meeting. When he sees the Reg is there he storms in and punches him. Hermoine then explains the situation. Sirius feels bad so he takes Reg to the infirmary. Dumbledoor finds out about their plan bc if this *conversation*.

convo between dumbledoor and hermoine:
d- "if you leave now, they will still die."
h- "But you told me that if there was no way for me to go back that I wasn't supposed to, there's way now"
d- "a way that you had to create Hermoine"
h- "I didn't create it, besides, what happens if I don't go back? What happens then?"
d- "Hermoine I can't tell you that."
h- "Yes you can. If I go back now I have much more information. I know about the horcruxes and I knew where they are. (Regulus told her) I can share with them and we can defeat Voldemort even faster. So, what happens if I don't go back?"
d- "I told you, I'm not able to tell you, you need to make an unbiased decision."
h- "Sir, please. I need to know."
d- "People die Hermoine, it's war."
h- "Like who?"
d- "Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley, Severus Snape, myself and many more Hermoine."
h- "So I need to go back."
d- "But think about what would happen here."
h- "Sir, they've been destined to die, that's what's supposed to happen and it's happened plenty of times."
d- "So are all the people I just listed off. Hermoine this hasn't happened before. You've never gotten this information and you've never been able to tell Harry about it. Everyone is supposed to die, and now you have to decide who you want to save."

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