Chapter 8

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Hermoine and Lily made their way down the spiral staircase and upon entering the common room they were engulfed in the chaotic aura. James and Sirius were standing on a table singing to some song while Remus watched them unbothered with a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. Peter was standing next to Remus with a large smile on his face as he watched Sirius and James with adoration.

Marlene and Mary sauntered their way over to Lily and Hermoine the moment they saw them.

"Hey guys," called Marlene once they were in earshot.

"Wow, you both look amazing," Mary gushed, grabbing Hermoine's face and tilting it to look at it in different angles.

Hermoine was now used to the artist vision of Mary who liked to inspect everything and was so curious. She also got used to Marlene's sarcastic tones and funny banter, as well as Alice's kind and usually quiet self. Lily had also became more comfortable with Hermoine and started to be more carefree and less static. In return Hermoine became less professional and started to relax around the girls as well, making jokes and helping them when they needed it.

"Where's Alice?" Asked Lily who was looking around and didn't see the brunette in sight.

"With Frank, who else?" Joked Marlene, earning her a slap on the arm from Mary.

"Oh be quiet," scolded Mary, "they're so cute together."

"Who's Frank again?" Asked Hermoine. She knew Alice and him were dating but she hadn't met him yet because he was supposedly a sixth year.

"Frank Longbottom, he's on the Gryffindor quidditch team, plays keeper, I'm not sure where else you would know him from," explained Mary.

Hermoine once again froze at the familiar last name. Could it be? Frank was clearly Neville's dad but was Alice his mum? Hermoine did think she looked familiar. She never did know Neville's mum's name but they certainly looked alike. Her heart broke again for the date her friend was going to suffer.

"Right," Hermoine spoke from her tranced state of mind.

"Granger!" Called a slurred voice that was walking toward the group girls. "I'm glad you made it." Sirius Black was speaking, although his eyes were darting around the room. He was leaning on Remus for support in his drunken state, although Remus definitely had a drink or two himself.

"Are you sure you're happy Black?" Lily cut in, "you forgot to invite her!"

"I didn't mean to but I haven't seen her all day!"

"I told you to invite her last week you idiot!"

Hermoine and Remus laughed at the encounter but it seemed Mary and Marlene had wandered off in search of drinks.

James and Peter sauntered over but a moment later. Peter seemed to be like Remus, visibly tipsy but not as drunk as Sirius, but James actually seemed to be sober. That took Hermoine by surprise as he had just been singing and dancing on a table, not to mention he seemed like he'd be the type to party. Perhaps he wasn't as quintessential as Hermoine previously thought.

"Hey Moine," Peter yelled louder than he needed to with a big smile. Hermoine smiled at the nickname, none of them had called her that before.

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