Chapter 6

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Sirius Black was angry that night. Angry that a girl he had known for all of two days knew things about him, knew things about his brother. He was angry that she was right, but that he could never bring himself to do what she was asking. He was angry that he was so confused. Confused about who Hermoine Granger was.

You could imagine how much his confusion grew when Remus Lupin came back and told the three boys that the girl knew. She knew about his lycanthropy, about them being animagi, and she knew how to help.

Sirius Black hadn't meant to befriend the mysterious girl, he had only tried to be nice to her. She was with Lily and he was friends with Lily. But when she asked why he wanted to be friends so bad he didn't have it in his heart to tell her he just wanted to be nice. Or maybe, it was that fact that she was slowly becoming even more mysterious. Or maybe, it was the fact that he felt this pull towards her, one that Remus spoke about feeling too. Either way, he knew one thing for certain.

He needed to get closer to Hermoine.

(Time skip)

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(Time skip)

"Granger, what are you doing here?" Asked Regulus Black when he came across Hermoine studying in the library.

"Well, I go to school here, and I have to study. So that's what I'm doing," Hermoine replied annoyed without looking up from her book. Whether she felt bad for the boy or not, she couldn't look past the fact that he was still a blood purist, and soon to become a death eater.

"Well yes, but why here?"

"Because it's the library. It's typically used for studying," she replied sarcastically.

"I'm aware but I happen to know a much better place, come on I'll show you," the boy beckoned her to follow him.

Hermoine couldn't understand his sudden niceness. His voice and his actions seemed to be friendly but one glance to his face she could see how he looked confused. Why he looked confused Hermoine couldn't say, but it almost looked like he was studying something.

What she didn't know is that he was studying something. He was studying her. The truth was he was just trying to be able to ask her questions, but he figured there was no way she would come with him if he didn't act nicely to her.

"You won't try to kill me right?" Asked the girl.

"I guess you'll just have to find out," Regulus said pulling his face into a smirk. Hermoine couldn't help but think it was endearing, almost cute.

"I don't know, I really do have to study," Hermoine looked back at her stack of books. Although she couldn't attend all her classes she had to do that reading on them so she didn't fall behind when, or more like if, she ever got back to her timeline.

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