Inei: Don't worry, I'll need to go somewhere.

Shinobu: Somewhere?

Inei: The Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

Inei: I will visit the Emperor, it's been a while since I last saw him.

Shinobu: His Majesty was the one who recommended you to be a Demon Slayer, right?

Inei: Yes.

Inei: That's why, I want to see the Emperor for a while.

Inei: And then afterwards, I will go search for the remaining members of the family that I was supposed to protect.

Inei: Don't worry, Shinobu.

Inei: I'll come back here as soon as I can.

I smiled at her, as she clasped her hands over her chest, her lips pursed.......

Inei: Come on........

Inei: Despite the hardships that we went through, we must always smile for the future will always be bright ahead.

With that, I left the Butterfly Mansion and travelled on a few the Imperial Capital, Tokyo.

Specifically, to the place, where the Emperor resides, Emperor Yoshihito or known as Emperor Taisho.

When I stepped inside the Palace, I still couldn't believe that the Imperial Guards still recognized me.

Imperial Guard 1: Wait, is that you, Inei!?

Inei: Hello, how are you guys doing?

Imperial Guard 2: That's our line you brickhead! How are you doing!?

Imperial Guard 2: You are a demon hunter now, right!?

I stick my index finger to my lips to quiet him down.

Inei: ...........

Imperial Guard 2: R-Right, sorry. Anyways, I'll lead you to his chamber.

He lead me to the chamber of His Majesty and he is delighted to see me once more.

Yoshihito: Inei, it's been nine years since I last saw you.

I bowed to the Emperor.

Inei: I am glad that you are in good health, Yoshihito-sama. I pray that good health and fortune will come to your way.

Yoshihito: Thank you, Inei.

Yoshihito: Did you come here just to visit me? If that's so, then I'm thankful.

Yoshihito: How is your life as a Demon Hunter?

I then narrated what happened to me after I left the Imperial Palace to be a Demon Slayer.

I told him everything, from me killing the Lower Rank Moons of the Twelve Kizuki, cornering the Upper Ranks One, Two, and Three of the Twelve Kizuki, becoming a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, my meeting with the Kamado Family, and my encounter with Muzan Kibutsuji.

Yoshihito: I see, you've been through a lot.......

Inei: ........

Yoshihito: Also, about the Kamado Family, I will have some of my men look for them. Can you describe the appearance of at least one of them.

Inei: Okay, then I'll go for Tanjiro, since his earrings is eye catching.

Inei: A boy with black and dark red hair, wearing a checkered haori that is color black and sea foam green haori, hanafuda earrings with the sun design, and a scar on his forehead.

Yoshihito: All right. Got it. I'll have my men look into this boy, what is his name by the way?

Inei: Tanjiro Kamado.

Yoshihito: Got it.

After a few minutes of catching up with the Imperial Staff that I worked with in the past, I decided to begin my journey to search for Tanjiro and Nezuko.

Since they won't be in the city, I decided to start at the rural areas.

Inei: Wait, that reminds me.........

I looked into the sky.

Inei: It's that time of the year again........

Inei: The Final Selection.........

I whistled three small blasts and summoned my kasugai crow, Kage.

Inei: Kage, would you mind to observe this year's Final Selection for me.

Inei: Also, if possible, if you see a boy with the hanafuda earrings and a scar on his forehead.

Kage: As you wish.

Kage flies away in a fast speed.

Inei: The fact that Muzan was the one behind the Kamado Family massacre, it would be natural for Tanjiro to hold the one responsible for his family's demise.

Inei: My gut is telling me that Tanjiro is one of this year's Demon Hunter aspirants for this year.

Inei: If my intuition turns out to be true.......then........

Inei: I pray, that Tanjiro survives the Final Selection.

A week had passed and Kage returned to me with the news.

Kage: There are five people who passed this year's Final Selection.

Inei: Five, huh? Who are they?

Kage: Genya Shinazugawa, Kanao Tsuyuri, Inosuke Hashibira, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Tanjiro Kamado.

Inei: !?

Inei: Did you say Tanjiro Kamado!?

Kage: Yes, I have confirmed the identity of the boy you were looking for and as of now, he finally received his first mission.

Inei: I see.......

Inei: All right, Kage. You're dismissed. Continue to watch Muzan's movements. He could be anywhere in Japan.

Inei: And whatever is he going to pull, we mustn't let him execute his plans.

Inei: And if possible, if one of the Twelve Kizuki is involved in one of the attacks, inform Kagaya-sama firsthand and then, I'll wait for my orders.

Kage: As you wish.

Kage flies once more, and when my crow vanished into the horizon, I smiled.

Inei: became a Demon Slayer, huh........

Inei: All right, once I found you and Nezuko.

Inei: Tanjiro, I'll make you my Tsugoko. Not as the Shadow Hashira........


As "Hinokami Hashira."

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