🦋A broken family, Mending hearts, True Familia🦋

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Abuela alongside F/n and M/n stormed in castia to see Mirabel, Isabela, Camila and Bruno Jr on the floor laughing while F/n and M/n were happy that their grandchildren were safe, Abuela was ferocious at what she was seeing.

Abuela: "What is going on here?" She asked angrily as the four children sat up in fear while Isabela made her exotic plants vanish, Camila made her gems, crystals and metals fade away by the look in Abuela's eyes.

Mirabel: "Abuela? It's okay! Everything's... we're gonna save the miracle. The magic.." She said while Camila hid behind Isabela and Bruno Jr hid behind Mirabel.

Abuela: "What are you talking about? Look at our home you two! Look at your sisters!" She said seriously as Abuelo F/n, Abuela M/n, Julieta, Agustin, Pepa, Felix, Y/n, Luisa, Dolores, Camilo, Pedro Jr, Elena and Antonio walked into the main floor.

Bruno Jr: "Abuela please just listen to Mirabel, Isa wasn't happy..." He said honestly as he stood beside Mirabel now.

Abuela: "Of course she isn't happy. You two ruined her proposal." She said seriously as Mirabel spoke up.

Mirabel: "No, no, no. She needed us to ruin her proposal. And then we did all of this!" She shouted out happily but Abuela grunted starting on her last nerve with her grandchildren.

Bruno Jr: "And the candle burned brighter and the cracks began repairing themselves... that's why we're in the vision!" He said actually pulling a lopsided smile.

Abuela: "Mirabel, Bruno Jr." She said seriously yet softly.

Mirabel & Bruno Jr: "We're saving the miracle, Abuela!" They said together until Abuela Alma shouted at them.

Abuela: "You have to stop, Mirabel, Bruno Jr!" Mirabel and Bruno Jr looked at their Abuela sadly. "The cracks started with you, Mirabel. Bruno left his wife and growing family because of you." She said seriously as cracks slowly began forming one by one. "Luisa and Pedro Jr are losing their powers. Isabela and Camila are out of control because of you! And you dragged Bruno Jr into your mess! I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for the two of you to hurt this family." She said seriously towards her grandchildren as Y/n had enough while she stormed over and stood in front Mirabel and her son.

Y/n: "The cracks didn't start because of Mirabel! Bruno didn't leave cause of Mirabel's lack of a gift, Alma! He left because of you, he was never good enough for you just like everyone else here! You always saw the worse in him, and no matter how hard I tried to make you see that! You just wanted more and more from this family, you shunned Mirabel and let the town outcast my little Bruno just for the rememberance of his father and his name!" She shouted out angrily while Alma stepped back a bit as her daughter in law shouted at her before Bruno Jr tugged on his mother's shawl lightly as the cracking grows louder when Mirabel and Bruno Jr stood in front of their Tia and Mama to look directly at Abuela Alma.

Mirabel & Bruno Jr: "We will never be good enough for you. Will we?" They questioned together as Isabela stood beside Luisa and Pedro Jr, Camila and Elena stayed by their cousins. Julieta, Agustin and Y/n looked at Mirabel and Bruno Jr sadly. "No matter how hard we try." They said together as their voices started to crack with tears filling up their eyes when they looked over at their own siblings. "No matter how hard any of us tries." They said together before speaking separately.

Mirabel: "Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won't be perfect enough."

Bruno Jr: "Pedro won't be able to mend anything with a snap of his fingers. Camila will never be able to shine out brighter then her gems. Elena won't be truly able to talk out loud." The two cousins said towards Abuela Alma as Bruno Jr spoke honestly. "Mama is right, Papa left us because of you always seeing him like how you see me! Oh, Bruno Jr has the same gift as his papa so he must be just as much as a bad omen!" He shouted out as tears ran down his and Mirabel's face.

🦋More Than A Madrigal To Me: Bruno Madrigal x Y/n🦋Where stories live. Discover now