🦋Antonio's Gift, Casita Cracks, & Shadows🦋

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The whole community of Encanto began filling up the casita, the smells of delicious food filled the air alongside beautiful music while Luisa and Camilo greeted the people entering their home to watch Isabela perform displays of her flowery gift, Elena bringing newly drawn portraits to life for the younger children, Pedro helping out Tia Julieta with cooling down food using a bit of time manipulation. Y/n stood at the foot of the staircase well putting on a genuine smile for tonight as casita made a slide of sorts for the young children from the curved staircase. Y/n was so happy for her little nephew so she buried her sadness at least until tonight's festivities were over, so her e/c eyes watched her family display their gifts especially her own children.

The lights of her life and a part of the union between her and her husband: Pedro Jr was starting to look nearly like his Abuelo Pedro but his eyes showed his Abuelo F/n's determination to his family, he used his gift well for the community and his family. Camila was the second princesa of the Madrigal family, she would follow Isabela around since she could walk joining beautiful gems and crystals into her cousin's floral arrangements, Elena was the messy one of her children but extremely passionate about her artwork especially when she first got her gift to bring the main portrait of Abuelo Pedro to life for the first time. Y/n remembered the sad yet happy tears from Alma to see her late husband actually walking around to kiss her forehead lovingly before vanishing into golden butterflies. Then there was Bruno Madrigal the Second ie Bruno Jr with his duo gifts of enhanced sight and precognition, he was growing up well looking more and more like his padre but with his Mama's gentle e/c eyes. Bruno Jr could see his own visions clearer with his sight as well see things that people often overlook.

Pedro's outfit was simple brown pants and a white shirt including his shoes decorated with clocks, sundials and a few hourglasses. He made his h/c hair a refined style and clever smirk always showed on his face.

Camila's dress and shoes held all the colors of the rainbow to symbolism the gems and crystals she'd grow from the earth. Camila's long mixed black & h/c hair was tied low with a amethyst ribbon which was curled at the ends beautifully.

Bruno Jr clothes was a good mix of his Padre's but reversed, his shirt and pants were jade green while his own ruana was a deep purple decorated with jade green hourglasses and magnifying glasses. His brown leather sandals held a golden mariposa engraved into the straps. His own curly/wavy black hair was held back by a simple brown hair tie.

Elena although looked like a carbon copy of their Mama from her s/c with medium h/c hair which was held back by jade green ribbon. Her light green dress was covered by an artist light purple smock covered by paint splotches, charcoal smudges, stone dust and such.

Y/n: Takes a deep breath as she walked over towards Pepa, Felix, Dolores and Camilo with Bruno Jr by her side behind a red rose curtain made by Isabela. "Has anyone found Tonio yet?" She asked honestly before seeing Mirabel walk downstairs with Antonio whom was already wearing her handmade jaguar necklace. "Ay, Pepa look at Antonio. He's no longer a baby." She whispered softly while smiling as Bruno Jr stood beside Mirabel.

Felix: His laughter filled the air seeing his youngest son. "There you are." He said as he, Pepa, Dolores and Camilo walked over towards him.

Pepa: A rain cloud appeared above her head from her happy sadness. "Look at you! All grown up." She said honestly going to hug her baby as Felix batted away the cloud.

Felix: "Pepi, amor, you're gonna get him all wet." He said as Camilo shifted into a tiny Felix.

Camilo (Felix): "You are making your papa proud." He imitates their father.

Felix: "I don't sound like that." He said seriously before looking over at his friend and sister. "Do I sound like that?" He asked while Y/n laughed beside Felix.

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