"What do you mean parental skills?" Rebekah asked, making Elliot do a double take, forgetting that she had let that slip.

"He raised me." She responded, jabbing her thumb over in his direction. She then clapped her hands together not liking the tension forming in the room.

"Now let's change the topic!!"


Bucky had spent some time alone after meeting with the Mikaelsons.

It wasn't that he wasn't a fan of them...he just wasn't a fan of the way that one of them was looking at his baby sister. It irritated the man to no end, especially after all the stories he had heard from Elliot about the hybrid. Like after everything he had done for her, he thought one look was going to send her swooning.

It was ludicrous.

So he opted to get rid of his stress by going to the small gym that was outside of Mystic Falls. Elliot had recommended it to him. She said that she had been going there since she moved to town around three years ago. That she spent the majority of her week nights there.

He then told his baby sister to go out and do something fun. Enjoy time with her friends and not worry about what was bothering him, seeing as she had constantly been nagging her about it ever since they left the mansion.

So Elliot did exactly what she had been told to do, seeing as it was already her plan to begin with. She headed to the Mystic Grill to get drunk, well at least try to.

After many years with the serum running through her system, she had figured out that it burnt through every single drop of ethanol in the alcohol to the point where it didn't make her drunk. But she had also learned that if she messed with the mutant gene of hers and the powers in her the slightest bit, she could alter it to the point where she could begin to get drunk. Sure, it took a hell of a lot of alcohol but it was worth it sometimes.

Elliot had requested her disastrous drink of beer and vanilla ice cream. At first the rather handsome bartender had turned down her request, but apparently flirting can get you anything.

So here she sat, drinking her drink, hoping that it might at least give her a slight buzz this go around.

Many drinks later, she was joined by someone sitting on the barstool next to her. She didn't bother to look at the person until they spoke up and she immediately recognized the voice of who was next to her.

"Klaus." She greeted, waving the bartender over for a round of shots. For both her and the hybrid next to her. He definitely wasn't her first choice of who she would like to be having drinks with, but she couldn't get in contact with Natasha OR Rebekah, so he seemed like the next best option.

The bartender came back around with a round of five shots for each of them, ten in total. Elliot then turned around to face Klaus, purposely avoiding his blue eyes. When she was getting her buzz, they looked ten times better than they already did, not that she would ever admit that in her right mind...or ever.

"You're drinking with me. Hope you like shots."


It turned out the two both really liked shots.

And other alcohol.

The two seemed to turn drinking into a competition of sorts without even realizing they were doing it. They were trying to see if they could out drink the other. Elliot was ahead of him by about three beers and multiple shots and now Klaus was trying to make up for the drinks he missed out on.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑 || 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒Where stories live. Discover now