Drarry and the sarcasm

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This is about the 3rd year at Hogwarts. Sirius Black was the main topic of conversation among witches and wizards of every type. Specially Blaise and Draco. Malfoy was worried about his crush, The Boy Who Lived, because everyone said Sirius Black wants to kill Harry.

Crabbe and Goyle were really fat headed people with no emotional quotient and talking to them about feelings was suicidal. Pansy on the other hand, had crush on him. So talking to her about this won't be helpful either. Zabini was his best shot and he was happy with it.

On the day of returning to Hogwarts for their third year, dementors had entered the train causing a lot of confusion and upon entering the Great Hall, Draco heard about Harry fainting and was obviously worried about him. So, he made it a point to ask Potter about it.

The way he asked was way too sarcastic for his own good resulting in Harry getting offended.

He was sad about it and really mad at himself for being a git. If only Harry knew......

After that day, he was trying really hard to make conversation about it to Harry, only to make things worse.

"See, if you want to ask Harry about his health and all, just ask him. Don't bully him. I hope you know the difference." Blaise said.

"I don't know! I don't mean to bully him. It just comes out that way. I have tried enough times. Doesn't work at all!" Malfoy sighed.

"I guess, make another attempt at speaking to him tomorrow at the Care For Magical Creatures. There's no harm in trying, you know?"

"I think, I am going to pass. If I stay shut I think I will give him some peace. He deserves it. That ginger and the know-it-all are good for nothings!"

"See, if you want Harry to like you, stop bullying his friends as well. He hates you more for bullying Weasley and Granger. Stop doing it."

Malfoy didn't reply to that one, digging deep into self-retrospection.

The next day, the well known accident with the hippograff happened. In Malfoy's defense, he wanted to humour the animal and win Harry's heart showing love for the creature. But, sarcastic Draco Malfoy did the exact thing he feared which ended him at the Hospital Wing.

He wasn't that much hurt but he wanted to gain sympathy from Potter and needless to say it was a really pathetic attempt.

That night at the Hospital Wing, Malfoy lay in isolation, thinking how his weird attempts made Harry to hate him even more. Sympathising to himself, he tried to sleep when he saw someone enter the room.

He was scared it will be Snape, who'll scold him for being reckless. But instead it was Harry.

For a split second, he thought he was imagining when Harry hugged him.

"Oh! You stupid, STUPID Malfoy! You scared the skeleton out of me! Why do you have to be a git everytime??"

Malfoy was so stunned for a moment that he even failed to return the hug.

Senses came back when Harry pulled apart, looking sad.

"I know this was a bit uncalled for and there's a huge chance that I will never the hear the end of this. But I'm sorry. I was so dead concerned about you, I couldn't control my urges. I'm sorry."

With this Harry was leaving when Malfoy blurted out, "I like your presence. Please don't go."

Harry turned at this, his expression funny. He waited for Malfoy to give in and laugh, making him feel silly but it never came.

"I meant to say this to you for a long time now but it came out all wrong. I'm way too much sarcastic for my own good. But, believe me when I say this, I was really worried about the dementor attack on you. The train, quiddich field, I was so worried all along. I tried to ask you so many times but instead came out mockery. It's not your fault if you don't believe me but please do. Because, for once in life, I'm dead serious." Malfoy ended the speech in the most dramatic way possible, waiting for a response.

Nothing came for some time, making Draco a little worried about hurting Harry again, when a pair of lips came crashing on him.

After that night, they're still enemies who passed sarcastic remarks and didn't need to be told twice about kicking each other's arse, but also shag during free periods.

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