Drarry and the Valentine's Day

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It was Harry's third year at Hogwarts. He had already managed to sneak out to Hogsmeade twice. And he was ready to sneak out for the third time. Only problem was the fact that the upcoming Hogsmeade trip was on 14th February, Valentine's Day and HARRY HAD NO DATE! Harry had secretly always shipped his best friends Ron and Hermione. And even though they are polar opposite characters, he still thought they'll make a good match. So, he didn't want to third wheel their outing even though they were only going out as friends.

Being Harry Potter, he was always getting asked out whenever he was spotted in the corridors but no one appealed to him much. He even thought about asking out that Ravenclaw girl Cho Chang, but even as the only survivor of a death curse, Harry was pretty chicken when it comes to asking out people.

Ron asked him multiple times if he was going to ask some one or not and everytime Harry answered that he was not sure because he had no one particular in his mind. Well, that was a very strong lie considering the fact that Harry had only one name stuck in his mind which he wished to ignore.

Days passed and gradually the fated day arrived. Harry still didn't have a date. He was very tensed about the whole Sirius Black thing and he wanted someone, a date to keep his mind off trouble. Hermione and Ron invited him multiple times to go out with them but he didn't want to. So he refused. At last, they gave up and promised to bring him sweets from Honeydukes.

After everyone left, Harry decided to sneak out alone and observe people having fun. He knew that will make him more miserable than he already is, but he still didn't want to waste his day in castle. But little did he know, Filch was already patrolling the escapes and Filtwick had charmed the gates so that no one can sneak out of the castle without permission.

As Harry was about to leave the castle through an escape route shown on Maurander's Map, clear of Filch, red lights started flashing along with sirens. Harry was caught off guard and on top of that Peeves appeared out of no where to scream out about someone escaping. Together, this created a pandemonium and Harry wasn't fast enough to escape. Filch caught him and handed him over to Snape as McGonagall wasn't around.

Snape was more than just satisfied to have Harry within his clutches and gave him detention for a whole week. He had to clear potion vials and cauldrons that were dirty and out of use for years. If Harry didn't clean them properly, the detention will get multiplied by three and that will mean he'll miss the next Quidditch match against Slytherin.

Harry didn't mind this detention much because he had no date anyway and this was kind of better than watching people enjoy the day with their date. Luckily for him, he hid his invisibility cloak and maurander's map with a displacing spell Hermione taught him.

But, he was taken by surprise when he saw almost 20 students already serving detention under Snape. All of them for trying to do illegal tasks like trying to make a love potion, trying to conjure romantic fire works and so on. On normal days these activities would have gone unnoticed. But Harry realised, the professors had undertaken special measures for Valentine's day after last year. He had heard Maurees Sheeptale and Thomas Pluffer from sixth year Ravenclaw tried to run away from Hogsmeade after getting married in an unofficial way.

Harry knew out of all the students, Snape would put extra attention on his doings and that he had to be extra careful trying not to get into an even messier detention.

He started his work slowly. Putting extra effort so that Snape doesn't get an opportunity to complain. Almost forty-five minutes into his detention he heard Filch bring in someone new.  At first Harry didn't care much until he saw the unmistakable head of blonde hair being forced to sit beside him and clean cauldrons.

Harry couldn't fight the urge to smile. Draco out of ALL the people had to serve detention with HIM on VALENTINE'S DAY.  Merlin's beard! The universe is definitely playing tricks!!

He could not help but ask his partner in detention the reason of him being there. He obviously expected a sneering comment. But only came, "Ah. You don't want to know I swear," in a small voice.

Harry felt sympathetic towards Draco. He looked troubled and small like a baby without his mother. With a quick glance, Harry looked around and turned to Draco, now facing him, asking him what's the matter.

"Oh, you want me to tell you so that I see a bunch of Gryffindors joking about my life the next day. You know what? You don't even care. So quit acting you do and let's get over with this shit before long. I have homework to complete." Draco said, regaining himself.

Harry just kept staring at him, at a loss for words. He was obviously a little hurt at how Malfoy reacted because he was genuinely trying to help. Malfoy might have sensed this uneasiness and softened a bit.

Slowly he said, "I was minding my own business at Hogsmeade, alone, buying butterbeer when a group of hufflepuff fourth years started to make fun of me because I was alone on Valentine's day. I tried to ignore them because I knew I couldn't take them all alone. But they continued pestering me and I had to jinx one of them. His mouth started turning into a beak. I thought they will attack me. But those sick bastards ran to complain to Filch. They don't know how to solve fights like grown ups! And here I am." Draco finished with a smile. It was probably the first time Harry saw him smile genuinely. He looked quite soft and cute with a smile.

Harry had already zoned out, studying Draco's features. He looked delicate. Like a porcelain doll with smooth skin and beautiful blonde hair.

He was brought back to life with Draco tapping on his shoulder. "Just so you know. It's a little creepy to look at someone like that. Are you in love with me or something?!"

"Ah! Just when I thought you had lost your ability to be sarcastic!! Here we go again." Harry finished with a chuckle.

Rest of the detention passed like a breeze. While parting for their respective house rooms Draco smiled and smirked,"See you tomorrow Potter. And try not to have wet dreams about me tonight."

"If being cocky was a subject, you'd get Outstanding everytime." Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Ah. Very savage comeback." Draco said deadpanned. "But no problem. Your blonde boy will teach you."

"YOUR BLONDE BOY?! What's that? A stripper name??''

" Touche!"

With that they went their own way.

Harry couldn't stop smiling to himself. Did he just spend his Valentine's Day flirting with DRACO MALFOY?!

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