Drarry and the coping mechanism

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It was one of the remaining days of Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. Sirius' death had broken him inside out. Thankfully O.W.L.S. was over and he could actually be free for a couple of days before he returns to his hell hole, 4 Privet Drive.

The fact that everyone now knew Voldemort had returned and Dumbledore and Harry were back to being heroes in the eyes of people didn't bother him much. The loss of his last hope of having a family and a father figure overcast his sense of victory.

Weirdly enough, he was observing Malfoy to be a little depressed too. Not that he cared. Not anymore. Harry had his fair share of wet dreams about Malfoy since last year but the recent events had drained him of his desire to even feel something. All he ever felt was numbness. As if he isn't a person anymore.

Yesterday Seamus and a few others had approached him to say sorry and the two were back to being friends but still he felt empty. Remus said he'll get used to it and he better should otherwise the sorrow will rob him off his will to live.

That day Harry was returning after breakfast from the Great Hall when Malfoy and his pet goonies met him in the corridor. Crabbe started making fun of Harry's pathetic condition and mocking about his dead parents when Goyle joined the party.

Surprisingly, Malfoy didn't pass any comment and stayed quiet, as if just to give them company. Somehow Harry felt sorry for him. He didn't seem alright. Maybe Harry wasn't over Malfoy yet. Shit.

Harry didn't pay attention to them when Goyle threw a spell at him. Luckily the sick bastard didn't have a proper aim and it hit an old painting on the wall.

That was the time Harry lost it. He kept it so hard to keep it together. But no more. If he has to serve detention for it, so be it but there was no way he was'nt returning the spell. After all he was the best student at DADA.

Soon enough Crabbe joined the fight and it was two to one. Malfoy was standing there like a statue. He didn't cheer his fellow Slytherin students nor asked them to stop the silly act.

Git. Harry thought. Maybe Malfoy had asked both of them to do this. That way he could stay out of trouble and disturb Harry.

After some seconds, Malfoy took everyone by surprise when he shot expelliarmus at  the Slytherin blokes followed by stunning them.

The two fat dick heads fell to the ground and Harry heard Malfoy shouting to him to leave. Everything happened so fast that Harry was dazed until Malfoy shook him wildly asking him to leave the spot.

Harry didn't think twice before listening to Malfoy and followed his instruction.

The rest of the day was a blur. Harry kept on thinking why Malfoy did that. Did Malfoy want to save him? Did  Malfoy care? Was there still a chance Harry could date Malfoy?

Unknowingly, Malfoy had finally dragged Harry out of his saddening thoughts regarding Sirius.

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