Drarry and the surprise

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So it was after the Yule Ball. Draco was easily the most handsome man present there. His date was Parkinson and Harry couldn't be more jealous. On one hand he had to see Malfoy dancing with someone other than him and on the other hand Ron kept ranting about how Krum was going to take advantage of Hermione which she's too innocent to understand. Either way, Harry felt like all of this was too much to take and walked alone towards the Gryffindor common room. He was about to say the password when someone grabbed him from behind. At first he was taken aback but later he grabbed his wand and was about to jinx the intruder when his eyes met a familiar pair of grey eyes. Malfoy.

The blonde's face was all red and he was out of breath.
"Blimey Potter! You run quicker with that height than I expected!"
"Malfoy, if you're here to tease me, please do it some other time. I'm tired now."
As Harry was about to turn his back towards Draco, he was surprised with a pair of soft lips on his.
The kiss was short and fast, not like the muggle movies the Dursleys saw. But it was everything he needed to drive the tiredness away.

After Harry overcame the lingering feeling of the kiss he opened his eyes and saw a blushing Draco, awkwardness plastered all over his face.
"Umm, I never got to give you the lucky ring I charmed for your good luck before your task but I guess I should give it to you now."
With this, Draco revealed a ring with crimson and gold designs, which had "Scared Potter?" written on it.
This is when he noticed an emerald and gold ring similar to his on Draco's finger. It read "You wish!"

Harry couldn't help but crack a smile at the memory of second year duel. It was the first time he smiled the entire evening.

He happily accepted the ring and hugged Draco, his emotions overflowing. Excuse me! But what do you do when the guy you've been crushing on for four years gives you a ring and kisses you? I guess that explains why he sometimes caught the Slytherin hottie looking at him in Potion classes instead of taking notes. By this time Harry had gotten all red and was happy Draco couldn't see him.

It was late in the night and Ron was looking for his best friend everywhere. Harry had left the ball pretty early. But he wasn't to be seen anywhere. He was almost sure about going to Dobby to help him seek his lost friend when he accidentally opened a broom closet only to reveal Harry and Draco snogging.

"What's with everyone dating evil people nowadays?!"
Ron let out a wail and walked off leaving a flustered couple.

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