-=< Sequence -1: Dedications and Forewords >=-

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Hello. Thank you for taking interest in "The Longest Fall" at this stage in writing. This is my first real attempt at a novel that I'm really, really pushing for. Not just for my own interest in the topics it touches upon, but recently, everything that's come to ride on my actually completing a novel at some point in the not-so-near future.

You may skip this portion and get onto the story as it's just me, the author, Missy the Miscellaneous, being somewhat sentimental and excusatory, but really, thank you for reading, and feel free to leave any feedback you may have in the comments, it truly helps me out a lot and lets me know people are actually reading what I'm writing. I'll try my best to apply your thoughts to the areas they are relevant to.

Anyways, if you've decided to keep reading, I'd like to put a couple forewarnings in this section, and then I'd like to dedicate this novel to a couple of people that really mean a lot to me that, sadly, will never get to read these words, especially in a completed format.

First thing's first, Writer's Block really, really really likes hanging around me like a gnat, so there will be some times in which I take a very prolonged break during TLF's development. I sincerely apologize in advance, but I've tried pushing myself during these periods before, and the results were irredeemable garbage, and I want this story to be as best as I can physically make it. I'll try and post updates on where it's currently at on my actual account, but if I forget, I'm terribly sorry.

To correlate with my point above, this means I'll work on the story when I feel like it, so, as it stands currently, I will not be having a release schedule for when new sequences/chapters can be expected. I am horrid under pressure, and trying to hit a deadline right now while I'm taking classes and eventually having a full-time job once again would be absolute agony for me. I'm sorry for any and all inconvenience this causes, but I don't believe I can physically do schedules right now, especially with my mental health the way it is currently.

Thank you for understanding, and now, I'd like to get into the dedications.

Firstly, I'd like to dedicate this story to Evelyn West. She was, quite possibly, one of the best grandmothers I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I was so insanely lucky to be able to grow up around her and all of the light she brought to not only me and our family, but everyone else she met in her day-to-day activities. She was an absolute treasure for all the years I knew her, going out of her way to make sure everyone was doing okay, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her and just how much I wish, pardon my language, I wasn't such a shithead growing up and giving her a hard time. I love you always, Gramma. I hope I can do you proud if and when this gets published.

Lastly, I'd also like to dedicate this to Collin Phillipi, who was my hero with how much good he did at the danger of his own life before he was silenced before what I'd believe to be his true time. This man did practically all the things I myself would never be able to, and the entire time, he was so absolutely humble and never unironically bragged. He jokingly commissioned a professional portrait of himself as a Viking to give everyone a kick, but he well and truly deserved such a beautiful art piece. In my heart, Collin, you'll always be the best damn Viking that ever cruised the seas. Enjoy Valhalla for me, you magnificent ray of sunshine. I'll try my best to make something you and your mother can be happy with.

With all of that being said and done, please enjoy The Longest Fall. I'm putting a buttload of work into it so far, and I sincerely hope it can show.

The Longest FallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz