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Y/n was having a nightmare. She tossed and turned on her couch. Bucky grabbed her shoulder, not remembering that she was missing an arm as well. Bucky tried to calm her down, and after a few minutes he finally succeeded.

Y/n stopped moving around and was still. Bucky sat back in his seat as if it was a common occurrence between the two. Both of them having nightmares and trying to calm each other down.

I stopped what I was doing and ran over to help them. I lifted y/n into my arms while Bucky stood up and stretched his legs.

With y/n still in my arms, I asked him, "So does that regularly?"

Bucky nodded his head in a silent yes. "It was worse when she had her other arm," he said. "It reacted with her emotions and when she was having a nightmare, it would usually cause the repulsor thing to go off and kill somebody."

I must've looked worried because Bucky added, "It only killed one homeless man. We haven't killed anyone else yet."

He said the last part as a joke, but I still was worried. How many people had they both killed while being controlled by Hydra?

I handed y/n back to Bucky, who grasped her firmly in his arm.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Now," I answered. "We wait for the food to get cold, everyone to wake up and complain about said food, throw it all away, adn go back to bed."

Bucky looked surprised, but said nothing. He gently swayed back and forth. He murmured into y/n's ear and gave her a peck on the forehead.


Everything was black. Y/n heard a soft voice calling her name.

"Y/n... it's time to wake up, you silly."

Y/n blinked her eyes a couple of times as Bucky's face came into focus. He smiled warmly and gave her forehead a peck. His grizzled start of a beard scratched at y/n's head/

Y/n tried to escape Bucky's arms. He set her down and stood her up. Steve was standing next to them and Sam and Nat were getting drinks ready for breakfast.

When the rest of the Avengers came down for breakfast, the table had already been set with waffles, bacon, eggs, maple syrup, powdered sugar, berries, and whipped cream.

Y/n tried to remember the last time she had seen that much food on one table before. Everyone sat down in the same spots as they did the night before at dinner. Well, everyone except for a kid who looked pretty badly beaten up. Y/n recognized him as Peter Parker, the boy who looked homeless in his Hello Kitty pajamas. He sat in Thor's spot because Thor was currently visiting Asgard.

She smiled apologetically at Peter. She wanted to say sorry for almost killing him, but didn't really know how to.

The group talked about all sorts of things. Thony got onto the topic of powers so everyone decided to share each of theirs and sometimes showed off the things they could do. Clint didn't have any powers to name, but he was able to show off using his bow and arrow. He claimed that he was the best dad as well as an excellent archer.

It was obvious what Steve and Bucky's powers were. They were both super soldiers and Bucky had had a metal arm before it was removed. When it became y/n's turn, she said nothing because half of them wouldn't even understand her. Instead, she got up and touched Wanda on her arm. Show showed how she could copy other people's powers. Everyone was quite impressed. But y/n wasn't done. She crossed over to Tony, touched his arm and pulled away.

Except the version of y/n that pulled away looked exactly like Tony.

Sorry that it took such a long time to publish. I was planning a wedding in January for my god- brother?  

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