The Woman Called Ashura

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A woman in a billowy, tattered cloak came up to her after a few minutes. She knelt down on her knees in front of y/n. The litter covering the forest floor crunched under her barefeet.

"Child," she said in a raspy voice. For some reason, the woman's voice soothed y/n. "What is the matter, child?"

Y/n sniffled and tried wiping away her tears. She did not like when people saw her ugly cry. It involved snot running down her face and supreme puffy eyes.

"I..." *sniffle* "I was betrayed." Y/n sniffled some more.

"By whom, child?"

"My friend, a guy." y/n didn't know why she added that last part. It just felt like the right thing to say.

"Was he a close friend, child? A boyfriend, perhaps?" This lady was asking real personal questions. But she probably hadn't talked to someone in a long time.

"We could have been," y/n said.

Stop talking, y/n, The voices said. She'll use these things against you. Besides you never felt anything towards Loki but hate. You always knew he would betray you.

 Y/n silenced the voices. She felt rude for not looking at the woman. She raised her head, but as soon as she did, the woman looked away. She obviously did not want y/n to see her face.

"What is your name, child?" the woman said, still looking away.


"A very beautiful name, child. I am called Ashura."

"That's a pretty name," y/n said.

"Thank you, child," the woman said. 

A few moments of silence passed between the two. It was peaceful. The steady breeze blew through the tree branches, causing leaves to fly down and trash to flutter. The glass tickled y/n bare hand. Y/n had put a glove over her right hand, to avoid suspicions. She had not felt this at peace since.... She could not remember. Y/n closed her eyes and breathed in, fighting the urge to take a nap. 

"You should probably get back to wherever you came from, child. It is dangerous here," the woman said. She shivered as if she knew htat something bad was about to happen.

Y/n agreed. But just a few more minutes, the voices in her head protested. Nevertheless, she stood up and thanked the woman, who still was avoiding her gaze. It was people like her, people who did not care where you came from or your circumstance, never pushing, and just there with you, comforting you...

Y/n left the tree, not sure when she would ever see the woman called Ashura again.

Just as she was clearing back into the suburb portion of town, men in all black passed y/n. Y/n felt a heavy thump on the back of her head and everything went black.

CLIFF HANGER ALERT!  sorry for all of those

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A Metal Stark and A Metal Soldier [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora