News Flash

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Y/n thought she was dead. Her brain was empty and her body was numb, except for the sensation of being carried.

Then, just as y/n was accepting her fate that she had died, a sharp pang brought her back. (Y/n had never actually ever been dead before, mind you. Just knocked unconcious many times. Here she was now, feeling the same thing as she did all those times before. Unconscious, but at the same time conscious. It was as if her brain could work and process things and thoughts, but her body itself would not work.)

Y/n slowly blinked her eyes, expecting to be back home and all this to be a dream. What y/n saw did not make any sense. She was laid on a metal table, surrounded by men in white lab coats.

Y/n was not prepared for the pain she was about to experience.


Clint rushed into Tony's office, his face grim and out of breath.

"She's...she's...she's," he panted. Clint couldn't catch his breath. The more he talked, the more panic sticken he looked.

Seeing this, Tony grew worried. "Take a second to breathe. I can't piece together your incoherent sentences as is, let alone when you are dying between each word."

Clint put his hands on his knees and looked up at Tony, breathing hard. Tony was even more insufferable when he became nervous or scared.

After a few minutes of silence and Clint's breathing, Clint stood up straight again. He looked Tony staright in the eys.

The look on Clint's face made it so that Tony did not want to hear what he had to say.

"Your daughter," Cint started. "She's gone."

#I_know_I_ told_you_guys_that_I_would_make_these_longer_but_lied

(You guys have no idea how much effort that cost me. The "#" above, I mean)

A Metal Stark and A Metal Soldier [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now