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I walk to the car holding back tears. I'm trying my best to look okay. This was supposed to be the best day of my life. We won against Iceland. I got a shot in. Why would they do this to me and Guy? I got in the car. I changed my face to a smile hoping they won't sense my sad mood.

We start talking about the highlights of the game. My dad of course started telling me what I should work on. My brother was telling me some stuff too. My family was happy for me. I was slowly getting in a good mood until my mom said, "Jules, y Arlo?" ( translation: "and Arlo?") Sadness fell over me. My smile turned into a frown. My eyes started watering. I was fighting back tears. I couldn't cry today. It's not the time.
"Oh um he's somewhere", I said.
"Why don't you call to text him to invite him to come eat with us?"
"Oh I think he might have a game. I rather not bother him."
"I'll text him then", my brother said.
"Thanks,mijo", my mom said.
"Done. He said he'll be a bit late. But he'll be here."
"Hahaha great...", I said my voice trailing off.

We got to the restaurant before the team. We told them how many people and got seated. Everyone else got there a few minutes after us. I looked at Genesis in the eyes. She didn't look guilty. I feel so bad for Guy. I need to tell him. But I don't think he'll believe me. Genesis and Guy sat a few seats from me. Ken and my brother sat on either side of me.
"Jules?", Ken said, "You ok?" I break of out of my thoughts and look at him and say, "Yeah I'm good. Just thinking"
"Ok we'll if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."
"Thanks, Ken"

We ordered. Arlo got there. I couldn't bare to look at him. My brother moved so he could sit by me. He gave me a hug. I didn't hug back though. Every time he tried touching me I'd move away. I got my food and started eating. I mainly talked to Ken. We were all laughing about Dwayne roping an Iceland player. Every once and a while Ken and I would go trail off to our own conversations. I could see Arlo getting jealous. I didn't care for it.

We got the check and paid. We decided to have a small bonfire on the beach. My family wanted to go see something before we had to leave so they didn't come. Arlo had to leave to which I was so relieved about. I drove back on the bus with the team. I sat in the very back. Just alone with my thoughts. I started crying a bit. That's when Ken came and sat beside me.
"What's wrong,Jules?", Ken asked me worried.
"Oh nothing I'm fine I promise", I say wiping my tears and smiling.
"Really? I know you're not ok. What's wrong? You can talk to me"
"Fine. I caught Arlo and Genesis kissing right after the game. When I was going down to the locker room. And they don't seem guilty for doing it either. Guy doesn't know and I don't think he'll believe me if I told him. And I just want to cry. This was supposed to be a great day for me. For us. But they had to ruin it."
"Jules, you're going to have to tell them eventually. I would say soon. It would be best for you. And tell guy tonight or tomorrow. Come here" he holds me while I just cry into his arms.

We arrive at the hotel, and we all go to our rooms to shower and get dressed for the bonfire. I decided to wear some beach shorts, a tank top, and a sweater. I just want to yell at Genesis. I was happy. So very happy with Arlo. But she kissed him. But it was also Arlos fault. How could they? I kept it in and didn't say a word.

Some people wanted to drive to the beach and others wanted to walk. I wanted to walk  it was our last night there together. Genesis came up beside me. I looked at her and looked back ahead.
"What's up,Juliette?" Genesis asks.
"I know.", I said with a straight face,looking ahead.
"What? What do you know?" she said a bit panicked.
"I know,Genesis."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't done anything to you. Or done anything bad. What are you talking about?" she said worried. She was trying her best to play it off. I just looked at her in disgust and walked away.

We got to the beach and got ourselves situated. I sat beside Ken. We were right across from Genesis and Guy. She looked worried. We started talking and laughing. It was fun. I enjoyed myself. It got my mind off of Arlo and Genesis. We talked about some memorable things that happened in games and outside of games.
"Let's not forget when we met TWO great hockey players", said Charlie.
"Yeah! That was awesome! Hey, Juliette. Why don't you ask your dad to come practice with us and help us out.", said Adam.
"Um yeah sure. He might be a bit busy but I'll ask him.", I said.
"Woohoo! Thanks,Jule. You're the best"
"No problem, guys"

We started singing. Well kinda screaming. It was mostly Averman screaming. We started singing "We are the Champions". It was a fun night. We made some s'mores. It was really messy. After two hours of being there was got our stuff together and left. We were still partying on the bus.

We finally made it to the hotel. We walked got on the elevators and went to our rooms to start packing to leave tomorrow. I walked in and there he was, Arlo. Don't know how the hell he got into my room. The girls were just as confused as I was. He comes up to me and says, "Can we talk?"
"Um sure I guess", I answer. We walk out to the hall.
"Ok talk.", I said in a stern voice to Arlo.
"Genesis told me you knew something. Can I know what that is?" I smiled and just looked at him.
"Why are you smiling? Come on tell me. What did you see- shit."
"Ha that's funny. You want to know,love? I saw your bitch ass kissing Gensis. Hey why don't we get her out here too. Oh, Genesis!"I said while going into the room, "Come out here. We need to talk." She walked out with her head hung low.
"I can't believe y'all. Do you guys not think? Did you not think about Guy, Genesis? And you , Arlo, I can't believe that you would do this to me. Why the fuck would you guys do that. You know what. Let go talk to Guy now."
"No, please,no. Juliette please don't tell Guy", Genesis pleaded.
"Don't come to me with that bullshit, Genesis. He deserves to know too."
I start walking to Guys room. I knock real hard on the door.
"Who is it?" I hear from a familiar voice.
"it's Jules open up." Guy opens the door and looks at all three of us.
"What's wrong?"
"Come out here. All four of us need to talk."
"Genesis, isn't there something you needed to tell him?" She just looks down. Doesn't say a word or looks up.
"Fine I'll tell him. Genesis has been kissing my boyfriend. Isn't that right,guys?" They just nod. Guy stands there shocked.
"I caught them kissing today after the game. I was going to the locker room and there they were."
"I can't believe you, Genesis. And you Arlo, why the hell would you do that to Juliette. What the hell wrong with both of you?" Genesis finally looked up and said, " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you guys. I never wanted this to happen. I'm so sorry."
"It won't be that easy, Genesis. You were my best friend. I got you to play when coach wasn't even thinking of putting you in. And you Arlo, fuck you. I'm out. I hope y'all are happy with yourselves." And at that I walked away. I felt relieved. Powerful. I got to my room and went in. Julie and Connie came over to me and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry,Jules", Connie said.
"You deserved better", Julie said.
"It's fine. I'll get over it. Hey, at least Guy is back on the market. Hahaha" Julie and Connie just started laughing. We put a movie on and started packing. Genesis never came back to the room. Her stuff was still not packed so I just decided to be a bit nice and pack her stuff up. I got it together and put it by the door along with all of our stuff as well.

Before we got into bed, I heard a knock. I went to open the door expecting it to be Arlo or Genesis but it was Guy.
"Oh hi what's up?", I say.
"Can I come in?" Guy asks.
"Yeah sure of course"
"Can I sleep hear tonight with you?"
"Oh um if it's ok with Julie and Connie then yeah"
"Actually we we're going to go sleep with Adam and Luis so you would have the whole room to yourself", Julie said.
"Well then ok yeah you can stay here with me then. Come on."
"We'll see y'all tomorrow. Be careful", Connie said.
"Can we sleep together please?" Guy asked. I was a bit surprised.
"Yeah I'm ok with that."
"Ok great this bed, right?"
"Ok then come here,Jules. Your eyes are red. Let me hold you." I get into bed and lay on his chest. I start crying a bit. He just rubs my back. I finally fall asleep. He really was my dream boy. I hope we can see each other again before we go back to school.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu