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"Juliette, wake up", I heard a familiar voice say , "Come on, Matthews. Get up". It was Guy. Wait what was Guy doing in my room. I quickly get up.
"Ah! What are you doing in my room?" I said.
"I slept over, remember? I knocked on your door and you let me in and I slept with you on your bed and you started crying. Remember?"
"Oh yeah. I remember. Well, Good mornin'"
"Good morning, Matthews. How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good. You?
"Good. It was nice to have you close to me." I blushed at what he said. But i quickly changed the topic by saying, "So are you ready to leave yet?"
"Nope. It was a good summer for the most part... anyways are you?"
"That's a definite no. I'm going to miss everyone so much. God knows when we're going to see each other again. This was such a fun summer. We won the Junior Goodwill Games. Like what."
"I know right. Maybe if you wanted to, you could come to Minnesota with me. And you could stay with my family. Well it's just my mom and little sister. But yeah. And most of us who live Minnesota aren't too far from me so we can go skating whenever. Just for a few days. What do you say?"
"I say yes! But it's my parents you have to ask. I think my dad has a game in Minnesota so I can ask my mom to take me."
"Great! Now that we have that settled. Let's get you dressed and ready."

"Bye,Julie. I'll see you soon hopefully. Safe travels!", I shouted as she boarded her plane back home. I had a while till my plane was to take off. The Minnesota kids were next to leave.

I walked over to Guy and said, "You know, Germaine. I've always thought that you were cute. Since the day I winked at you. That was funny. You got bright red. Anyways I'll see you soon,Germaine. Hopefully. I'll text you if I go to Minnesota."
"Ok,Matthews. I'll be waiting. Also one last thing", Guy said as he put his hand on my face, "Is it ok for me to kiss you?"
"Uh yeah of course go ahead hahaha-", I nervously said but was quickly cut off by his soft lips pressing against mine. I'll miss them. I'll miss him. He pulls away and just looks at me.
"See you soon, Jules. Don't miss me too much.", Guy said then winking. He boards the plane. And there goes my dream boy. I'll see him soon hopefully.

We finally landed in Phoenix, Arizona after a hour and a half flight. We got our bags, got in the car we called, and drove home. I was so exhausted. I laid in my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. I'll see him soon.

"Hey,mom. So you know how dad has that game in Minnesota,right"
"Right...where are you going with this?"
"Well why don't we go watch him and while we are there we can stay a few days and go visit my friends. Pleeeeease!"
"Sure why not. I haven't seen your dad play in a while. We can go. When is the game?"
"In two weeks. Oh my gosh,mom. Thank you thank you thank youuu!"
"Of course, mija"

I run to my room and call Guy.
"Hello?", I hear him say.
"Guy! It's me, Juliette. Do you not have my number saved?"
"Ohhh I do I just didn't see your name. I was doing something. Anyways what's up?"
"Well I asked my mom about visiting and she's totally on board. We might not stay with you. But I'll definitely be near you guys. And we can go skating and do stuff."
"Great! That's awesome! I have to tell the rest of the team. When are you coming?"
"In two weeks"
"Ok awesome. I'll see you then, Matthews."
"Ok then. See you then. I'll talk to you later, bye,Germaine"
"Bye, Jules" I hung up and started planning everything.

A few days had passed since I had gotten home. Everything was chill. I was listening to some music and reading when I heard my mom yell my name.
"Juliette! Someone's on the phone for you!", my mom called.
"Coming!" I said running down the stairs.
"Is this Juliette Matthews?" says the mystery person. Probably a man. He has a deep man like voice.
"This is she", I said politely.
"This is Dean Buckley from Eden Hall Academy. A private school in Minnesota. I was calling to ask if you would accept a athletic scholarship for hockey. You would be able to stay in a dormitory here on school grounds. We would provide meals and anything else you may need. I have talked to your parents, and they are completely on board. We just need your confirmation. You would start the beginning of September. You may move into your dorm at the ends of August. So what do you say?"
"Yes! Of course! I would love to! Is the rest of my team going as well?"
"Yes everyone will be attending."
"Ok thank you so much for this opportunity. You will not be disappointed."
"Glad to hear it. Now you take care. We will send the details soon. Bye bye"

Wow I was going to go a private preppy school for hockey. Yeah I've already gone to a private school but this is different. I'm going for hockey. I'm already on a team. Oh my gosh! Ok I need to start getting everything ready. But first my trip to Minnesota.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now