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1 day till the finals. 1 day till my summer with my new team and friends was over. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. I heard a knock on the door. So I sluggishly got up and opened the door. It was Arlo. My face lit up. "Can I come in?" He said.
"Oh yeah of course come on in. Connie and Julie went out with their boyfriends." He came in and sat on my bad. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
"So Jules, how'd you sleep?"
"Good. I had a weird dream. How about you?"
"Eh good I guess. It would've been better with you in my arms" I smiled really big. I finished everything and walked out.
"So Jules,why don't you come out with me today. We can go on a little date. Are you up for it?"
"Yeah! Let me just get ready. Help me"

He chose a white cropped tank top. I put some mom shorts on and my black converse. I grabbed my tote bag and we headed out. We went to eat breakfast at this really cute cafe. I got a croissant and a coffee. He got the same. We just say there and talked. It was nice. We then went shopping. We walked the board walk near where we were.

We got some good ice cream from this small shop. We sat down and started talking.
"So Jules, I was wondering. If you um wanted to be my girlfriend? I've asked your parents. They're perfectly with it." I looked at him astonished.
"Me? You want me?"
"Of course I want you. You're awesome. Guy missed having someone as great as you. So what do you say yes or no?"
"Yes obviously" he smiled and got up. He hugged me and give me a kiss on the cheek.

We walked to my hotel holding hands. We saw that the team was in the pool so we both went to my room so I can get a bathing suit on and to also my brother for some shorts. We went back down and got in with them. Arlo and I would just exchange looks with each other. Genesis was all over Guy. Guy seemed kinda annoyed with her. I kinda felt bad for him. We played games and just swam. Averman and Goldberg were making jokes. Julie and Connie were being cute over there with Adam and Luis.
"So", I heard Kenny say coming up to me, "you and Arlo are together huh?"
"Yeah he asked me today"
"That's awesome. I'm so happy for you,Jules. Guy really did miss a fine girl"
"Anytime" and at that he walks away.

Arlo didn't have any games tomorrow so he was going to go to my game. He decided to spend the night with me. I showered then he did. We got in bed and cuddled. I couldn't help but think about Guy. Maybe if I did something or prevented something this would be him cuddling me and asking me out. I put those thoughts aside and at at red thinking about Arlo. I finally fell asleep. Ready for the big game tomorrow.

We all woke up ready to for this game. We were all a bit on edge. We ate breakfast and got on the bus to go to the rink. Arlo said he'd meet us there. We got to the locker room and started getting ready. The door opens and we saw Adam walk in with all his gear. "Coach",Adam says. We look stand up and look at him. "I woke up, and the pain was gone"Everyone started cheering.
"Adam, I'm sorry but we already have a full roster. At that, Russ starts to take his jersey off. Genesis didn't move one inch. Charlie stops Russ from taking his Jersey off.
"He can have my spot", Charlie says, "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it"
"Charlie",coach says, "I need you on the beach,coaching right there beside me"
Everyone starts cheering again.

We finish getting ready. I braided all the girls hair, even Genesis. She's being nicer to me. It felt good. I missed her a lot. We all took a deep breathe in and started to walk on out to the ice. The crowd starts cheering and whistling for us. We skated to center ice to wish Iceland good luck. We did our normal warm up. Coach called me over and said, "Juliette, I want you to be captain tonight. Lead this team. Since Charlie can't be out there,I need you to. Well you've always been out there bossing people around. When the refs call Captains you go. Ok?" My face lit up with joy i nodded and went back to warm ups.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now