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"Shot made on Trinidad and Tobago by Juliette Matthews. She really is her fathers daughter", said one reporter. We are in the lead 6-0. It's been a pretty good game so far. There was this one kid who was really bugging us, mostly Jesse. It was kinda funny seeing Jesse so mad.

Coach put both Fulton and Portman in, and man did they go to town. They were knocking down every single Trinidad player. It was a good because Portman got a shot in. I heard someone call them "The bash brothers". After The "bash brothers" show, we lost the puck at center ice. The player a skated around our defense and shot. Goldberg miss the puck by a hair, but I was happy for them. They had a fun celebration. I went back in for the last few minutes of the game and scored again. We ended this game 9-2 with us winning.

After the game, we had a group interview. I was kinda nervous not gonna lie. The interview was going fine. We answered some questions. Then, the Iceland team comes out of nowhere. Their coach is Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson. He played for the NHL for one year.
"He collected more teeth than goals", is the last thing I heard when I joined Charlie's ,Kenny's, and Julie's conversation.

We had the rest of the day to ourselves, so decided to go to the beach and just read. Julie and Connie didn't want to join me so I was going alone I guess. That's until Guy stopped me and asked, "Hey, Juliette! Where are you going?"
"Hey,Germaine! I'm going to beach to read and just chill. Wanna join?"
"Of course! I would love to. Plus we can't let a pretty girl like you be roaming around LA alone. Let me just go grab my book. Gimme two minutes." And in that he runs to the elevator and goes to his room.

We walked to the beach which wasn't too far. It was nice, the breeze in my face and the sound waves crashing. The warm sun warmed me up a bit from the breeze. It was during sunset too so the sky looked magnificent. We chose a spot near the water but not too close. We laid out the blanket I brought and started reading. It was nice, just the two of us. After about 45 minutes of reading, we both got hunger. So we went to a food truck near by to get some tacos. And boy can I say those tacos were so good. We sat at a table and just ate them. We got some ice cream afterwards. Guy was full from the tacos, but I could eat for days.

It was about 8 now and we started walking back to the hotel. The moon looked beautiful as always. Her light shining down on us. We were talking on the way back about our life and just the way grew up. That's when he grabbed my hand and brought me close to him. I had to look up to him since he was taller. His beautiful eyes and his smile that can light up a room just make me want to kiss him. He then holds my face and asks, "Do you mind if I give you a kiss?"
"Oh um no of course I wouldn't mind. I would actually love that-" I was cut off by his soft lips pressing against mine. I closed my eyes and just let it happen. I got chills and butterflies in my stomach. We both pulled away at the same time. We just looked at each other for a few minutes. I finally broke the silence and said, "Woah well that was some kiss right. Um well we should go to our rooms now since we have another game tomorrow."
"Oh yeah of course, come on I'll walk you to your room"
I smiled and we walked to my room.
" Well this is my room goodnight,Germaine. Sweet dreams"
as I was about to grab the handle to open the door, he grabs me by the waist, turns me to face him, and kisses me.
"Goodnight, Sage. Sweet dreams"
Woah he knows my middle name. How does he know my- oh I told him earlier. He remembered. :)

We all get on the ice ready to play against Italy. I was so excited. Hopefully I'd score more. We got on the ice. It was the same starters as last game. I was on defense. I was ready to push some people. By the end of period one, we were winning 6-0. At the end of the game we won 11-0. Goldberg had great glove saves. I got some shots in, and Fulton has a great slapshot.

We had yet another free day after our game. We all went back to the hotel, showered, and changed. We all decided to go out but we all wanted to go to different places. Goldberg, Dwayne, Averman, and Jesse all went shopping for some souvenirs. Julie, Connie, Adam, and Luis all went to go get some ice cream. Fulton, Portman, Kenny, and Charlie went out to the pool. So it was just me and Guy left with no plan. What else Im could I do here at 3 pm? I could go shopping but I feel like Guy wouldn't want to. But Guy doesn't have to go but I feel and nto inviting him. Oh well he can come and deal with it or stay alone.
"Hey, Guy! Do you want to go shopping with me?"
"Yeah sure! That'd be awesome. Anything than being in this hotel room."
"Ok great! Come on!" I grab his hand and we walk out the hotel. It was a short walk to a thrift shop that I saw when we went to the beach. We both found some cool bands tees and other ones. We made each other outfits. The outfit I chose for Guy was really good but the one he chose for me well isn't quite what I would choose but A for effort. We both went to the book section to see what they had. And they had a good selection of books. We limited ourselves to 2 books each. We had to make a very hard decision. After about 2 hours there we finally checked out. I offered to pay for our stuff, but he kept trying to give the lady the money. We both agreed to pay for half.

We were thinking of just going back to the hotel since curfew was 7 but you know what who cares about the curfew. So we went to go get some food. We past an In-n-out place and he asked me what that was. I was shocked. I ate In-n-out all the time and he had no idea what it was so like any reasonable person we went to eat at In-n-out. He really enjoyed it. I took some pictures of him. He looked really cute. He really was my dream boy.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now