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"Team USA leading Russia: 2-1 here in the third period", a reporter says. "Russ Tyler, team USA's newest member from Los Angeles, calling for the puck. He gets it. He winds up.He shoots! He scores!" The reporter continues. We all skate over to him to congratulate him. He was a decent player. Genesis didn't get to play tonight. Which honestly, I was a little happy about.

We all go to the locker room to change out of our gear. We hear coach say, "I told him no visitors, but he wanted to congratulate you anyway." And in comes one of the best hockey players ever. Wayne Gretzky. We all rush over to him to greet and talk to him. We took a picture right before he left. He was so nice. And a little handsome if I'd say so myself.

Since we had beat Russia we were in the finals. We 5 days till the final showdown with Iceland. Let's see how this goes.

"Guys",I said, " why don't we have a small party in our room. It'll be fun. We can get some chips and drinks from down the street. We'll have music and maybe some games. What do y'all think?" Everyone in unison says yeah and starts to mumble about what to do.

Julie, Connie, and I went out to get some snacks for all of us. We got back to the hotel and started putting them in some bowls we bought. I brought a speaker so I turned it on and connected it to my phone. Everyone started coming. We played some board games that the hotel had. We started singing some songs. I decided to sing As the World Begins to Cave In. Everyone was really surprised by my singing abilities.

We decided to ply truth and dare. There was some background music in the back while we played. It was my turn. I chose truth. "Is it true that you wanted to date Guy?" Genesis asked.
"Oh um yeah I guess", I said nervously. Genesis just scoffed. I felt really uncomfortable,but I couldn't show it because she'd say something. "Your turn Genesis. Truth or dare?" I said snarkily . "Truth", she responded. "Is it true that you dated all the guys in our grade at school and all the guys on our old hockey team?" I smirked a bit while saying all of that. Her face turned red. She was embarrassed. Everyone looked surprised. She gave me the death look. "I'll take that as a yes then" I said looking right at her. Guy finally broke the tension. We all relaxed.

We heard the door knock so I went to go open it. It was Arlo. He came in and said hi to everyone. We stopped playing after Arlo got here. We all just started singing and dancing. Why'd you only call me when you're high by Arctic Monkeys came on. We all started singing that very loud. Basically screaming it. Bossa No Se by Cuco came on too. I kinda directed this to Guy just so he knows that he hurt me. I'm petty like that.

It was around 12 am when we told everyone to go to sleep. Everyone helped us clean up. I got all the trash and decided to take out to the dumpsters out back. Guy saw me leave with the trash so he grabbed another trash bag and came after me.
"Sage!" He yelled. I stopped. The memories and thoughts all came flooding back into my mind. I turn around and wait for him to get to me. He came up to me and said, "Can we talk?"
"Yeah sure. What's up?"
"So I really did like you. I wanted to date you too. I really did. I had it all planned out too. I was going to ask for parents permission too. But then you know Genesis came and well I started falling for her. And you just distanced away."
"Well what did you expect me to do? Try to get you back? You made your decision. I wasn't going to intercept it. I really am happy that you're happy with her. I'm still cool with you. Maybe alter on in life, we will get together. But now you're with Genesis."
"So we're cool?"
"We're cool" I smiled at him and he smiled back. Genesis and him being together still kinda stung but I couldn't do anything about it. I'm happy for them. I'm getting closer to Arlo. I like him a lot. Let's just focus on him.

It had been three days since the party. It was our last practice. Coach told us to stay in our normal clothes and just to bring our skates. I had some cream colored pants with a blouse and some jewelry. Coach told us it was a free day and we can do whatever. He brought a beach ball and we were playing with it. Jan was teaching Mr Tibbles how to skate. Once Averman had gotten the ball, he hit it over to the other side. That's when we saw the Iceland team. Stansson got the ball and crushed it. Coach and Stansson exchanged some words with each other. We were about to leave when Stansson chálense coach into playing with him. They had to hit both posts and the crossbar in order to win.

Coach was winning 2-1. Coach was about to score another one,but Stansson got his stick and hit coach right where he had his injury. He fell down and didn't get to score. Dean and Fulton were about to go off on Stansson but we all stopped them. We all walked off. Miss McKay got some ice for coach. She told us we had the rest of the day to ourselves.

My family was out site seeing,the girls were with their boyfriends, and Arlo had practice. I decided to go into the pool. I got my bathing suit on and headed to the pool. I was all alone. I got in and just swam and did some flips. I heard the door open so I looked over and it was all the guys. They put their stuff down and jumped in. Ugh so much for my relaxing time alone. I got out and sat down in one of the chairs. Ken came over to me and said, "You ok,Jules?"
"Yeah I'm good,Ken. Thanks for asking"
"Ok just making sure. Mind if I sit with you? I don't really want to be involved with that mess."
"Of course come on sit." He sat down and we started to talk. We had a lot in common. He was also really funny.

We all got out and went back to our rooms to get ready for dinner. We were already and headed down to go eat something. We ate at this really cute restaurant. We finished eating and decided to walk around the area. It was really nice. We were all laughing and telling jokes. I bought a few things.

We got back to the hotel. I saw that there was a guitar so I grabbed it and started playing it. Everyone gathered around me. I started playing time machine by willow. Everyone was singing with me. It was nice. Averman was singing in different voices. He started singing like Donald the duck and goofy. It was really funny. We all just say there and sang. It was so nice to have a good group of friends. Im not ready for this summer to end. Or for this journey with them to end.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now