nineteen. happy progress day

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happy progress day


NORTH WATCHED AS a certain blue-haired girl dressed in an enforcer guard uniform moved a lint roller up and down her dress.

"Oh, come on? Really? Surely, she could have just asked you to watch over the showcase or... something else." Caitlyn's British accent rung through North's ears as North wrapped a hair tie around her hair and tied it back into a low ponytail, letting a few strands of hair hang over her face.

"Sorry, princess. It's direct orders from your mother." North stated.

"She's so... ridiculous sometimes. How am I supposed to become an enforcer when I need to have one protecting me all the time?" Caitlyn complained.

North shrugged. "Hey, at least you'll have company, so you won't be totally bored. Silver lining." She mentioned as she shoved a necklace with a dog tag under her shirt.

"I suppose you're right. Honestly, I think being able to choose my very own personal bodyguard might have been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Having my best friend with me all the time isn't so bad."

That's what North was now. A personal bodyguard.

After the explosion all those years ago that killed Vander and separated North from her friends, Silco started to take over Zaun. And his reign of power was purely awful. He supplied everyone with a substance called shimmer.

It was almost like a drug in some way. It gave people an overly large amount of strength and energy. It was easy to become addicted to it with just one sip. But it no longer turned people into monsters like North had seen when shimmer was a fresh and new substance. Silco clearly took a lot of time in making the finished product what it is today.

And so, North returned to her home in Piltover, which was not that affected by the shimmer overload since it was localized to the undercity only.

There, she also got trained to become an enforcer. As much as the thought of becoming part of the force bugged her to an unbelievable amount, North did it in order to one: keep herself protected from the brutality of the enforcers, and two: work on investigations related to Silco.

She hoped to find out more about him and maybe do something to stop his crazy reign, but she was unable to. Her and the other enforcers who worked on Silco investigations would always turn up with nothing and North never knew why.

When North became an enforcer, she was eventually hired by the Kirammans as Caitlyn's personal bodyguard.

North knew very well how overprotective Caitlyn's parents tended to be. They didn't like to let her outside, despite how much Caitlyn wished she could see the real world for what it was.

She didn't really know much about anything. She had not a single clue about the Lanes or even that much about Piltover itself. She didn't know a thing about what enforcers were really like either.

North's father was now a member of the Council after working his way to the top for years as well, so it put the Averescu family higher on the social ranking.

"That so? I'm so flattered, Kiramman." North teased with a small smirk, to which Caitlyn rolled her eyes with a silent chuckle. "Finish up. The event starts in fifteen minutes." North told her.

"I'm almost done." Caitlyn assured before she put her lint roller away and adjusted her dress. Then, she straightened her hat. "Let's go." Caitlyn said.

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