Chapter 39: Two Birds, One Stone

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3rd Person POV:

Natasha and Wanda were having a peaceful breakfast in the Avengers dining area. Most of the Avengers were already off to continue their missions or start for the ones who just received theirs. But Wanda's powerful magic were still not required and since Nat's mission ended too early, her talents are yet to be needed.

"A little birdie told me that Fury is expanding the Avengers, is that true?" Wanda began.

"Well, I wasn't really able to get a confirmation about that but I have a strong feeling that it's true. I think after the war against Thanos, he has gone completely paranoid which I don't blame him for. There are so many threats out there. Either it will come from a different planet or a different universe." Natasha faltered.

"You couldn't be more right, love. I have been studying the Darkhold still and there are far more dangers out there than we could ever imagine." the Sokovian pondered.

Natasha inhaled a deep breath because every time her significant other mentions about diving in deeper to her magic, she gets extremely nervous. She tried to control herself from saying something that would trigger Wanda but she still has this uncertainty at the back of her mind about Wanda expanding her knowledge about her title as the dangerous and powerful, 'Scarlet Witch'.

"Are you sure it's safe for you to continue reading that thing? I mean, it literally has the word 'dark' engraved in that book, Wands." the Russian spy asked with voice coated with uncertainty.

"It's not like I will be using it for a personal vendetta or something, Nat. It's just for emergencies. Like, a massive war that could happen again in the future. Imagine if I didn't learn some of the spells in this book and you actually died during the war against Thanos because I couldn't save you at all. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Wanda defended.

"Alright. I'm just saying. I'm only asking because I'm worried about you." Nat responded.

"I know and I totally understand. I got this all under control. I promise." the Scarlet Witch said in a reassuring tone. "So, while you were gone, uhm, Pietro and I were able to bond for a little while." she added.

"Oh, that's great, sweetie. How was it?"

"Well, uhm, it was fine. But then, he explained the reason why he's still here." Wanda replied.

"Is it not to help the other mutants figure out how to deal with the regular humans from their universe?" the assassin probed.

"Partly yes and no. He told me that he was here mainly for me and that helping the other mutants was just secondary to keep himself busy while waiting for me to make a decision." Wanda explained.

"What decision?"

Wanda was still debating herself whether or not she should tell Natasha about the offer her twin brother gave her. The Scarlet Witch can read minds but she can never be certain to what ones action would be before it could ever happen. Which in this case, she doesn't know how her significant other would react to something that her own twin brother has told her.

Natasha waited patiently for the Sokovian to answer her question however her heart started beating fast because it's clear that whatever it is she wanted to say, isn't good news.

"Wanda..." Nat began, "You're scaring the shit out of me. What's going on?"

"Okay, uhm, Pietro is asking me to follow him to his universe. He... he said that since our parents and him are alive there, it would make sense for me just to go with him instead. Rather than to live in this universe wherein all of them are dead. He also made a point about the Avengers existing in his universe and that would mean that you would also be there, but a different version of you. So it would be like living in a world where all of the people the I love are perfectly well and alive." Wanda explained before taking a deep breath before adding, "Basically, he wanted me to make a decision if I should stay here or... leave all of these behind, including you and go with him to his universe."

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