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Walking into the cemetery Elijah breathed out a sigh of relief as he saw no real harm was done to Hayley

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Walking into the cemetery Elijah breathed out a sigh of relief as he saw no real harm was done to Hayley.

Whilst he had only watched the show he could already feel the Uncle bond between him and Hope start to form.

"Well let's get going shall we?" He questioned shocking the witch who he was behind who let out a small scream at the shock.

They turned facing him ready to fight, putting his hands up in a surrender motion.

"You're the original?" One questioned fear written on her expression.

"You've heard of me." He mused before smiling flashing his vampire face, "Brilliant." Taking a breath before saying, "I need the girl and you are in a premise to give her to me."

Hayley looked on at the scene confusion swimming in her eyes. "Why?" The question barely loud enough for the closest witch to hear luckily Elijah is a vampire and answered her.

"Because you will mean something to my family, you are carrying my family Hayley, my niece or nephew." He spoke softly before addressing everyone else in a disgusted tone. "I'd rather my neice or nephew who has a family well known as the Mikaelson's be born in this.." Looking around and the unsanitary place. "Dump." He finished looking straight at the witch who had spoke to him earlier.

Pointing a finger at the five witches that were in the room, "Now you can either hand the girl over. Or I can take her by any means necessary." He smiled.

The witch that had spoke to him earlier shuffled on her feet before saying bravely, "You can have her." Nodding in Hayley's direction. "However you should know that Sophie Devereux has them linked to her."

Nodding in gratitude ignoring the fact the witches were glaring daggers into the girl's soul, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Before taking Hayley by the hand before having a feeling of his brain exploding.

Grunting out of agony he turned and saw that it was the witches that were glaring daggers at the girl that was trying to stop him.. An Original... Hah.

"We can't let you take her." They spoke confidently although knowing they would die due to Marcel.

"It's unfortunate that you believe you have a choice." Before tearing the hearts out of the four witches hearing the other scream in terror.

"I'll let you go because you helped us. However if news gets around about this I will kill you and all of your witchy friends." He threatened making her cower nodding.

"Good." He said finally before speeding away with Hayley.


"Klaus this will be good for all of us." He stated trying to convince Klaus whilst Hayley was up stairs sleeping.

"For who brother, is it just another pathetic excuse for you bring back this family." Klaus accused.

"No. It is not pathetic. And you will look after the mother of your child." Firmly looking at Klaus as if he were a child because he was acting like one.

"Why should I?" He questioned before continuing, "Brother you hold onto this sliver of hope that I will redeem myself. With these pathetic lies and imaginary story tells." He snapped before finally saying, "You can't redeem a monster."

"We are not monster Niklaus." He shoke his head.

"Is that apart of the story as well that we all live happily ever after. Because let me tell you brother that is a fantasy that we will never have the luxury of." Klaus shouted.

"No it's a fantasy you don't want because you feel you don't deserve it." Elijah snapped. "You feel that by ruining other people's lives you can't allow a speck of happiness to waiver in front of you. Well that baby will bring you happiness, and you're just going to pretend it never existed." Elijah said.

"I don't feel that way." Klaus muttered. "That baby would be better off without me." He stated.

"Whatever you may think no child is better off without a father. Would you rather the baby be brought into the world and told every bad thing about Klaus Mikaelson." He shouted pausing when Klaus's eyes widened. Elijah has never called Niklaus, Klaus. Releasing a breath, "Or would you rather the baby be told the good stories make happy memories." He sighed, "A vampire isn't given the chance to have a child, me, Rebekah, Finn, Kol. None of us would be able to have children. You have that opportunity to have them, you can't tell me you're about to give that up." His voice flattered at the end. As a human he wanted a family, Elijah also wanted a family. That's why he held onto the remains of it for so long.

Elijah wanted a family that couldn't be granted to him through blood but he could witness his brother get the life he desired.

Being a vampire meant you still had flaws.

Hello again this is not quite 1500 words so sorry about that. Also I'm sorry I've been MIA honestly no excuse. To be fair I believe that you'll just be happy about the update I'm working on the Third Chapter now so before I release it I have some quick questions.

Should Elijah go to Mystic Falls at some point if so who would he meet?

Who do you want Elijah to be with?

What character do you want to develop?

Again sorry I've been MIA.

Hope you guys have a nice day/afternoon/night :)

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