First act: new beginnings

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…⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ hi!! i started this story in 2021 and am currently writing again, after 3 years!! i'm too lazy to modify the first chapters which are super cringe, but bear with me, i'll try to make the story more interesting

I sighed and closed the door, another day in my boring high school life. It was only december and i already hated it. I wasn't the extroverted type, more like the quiet girl who convinces herself that she's just acting mysterious and not asocial. I lazily dropped my bag on the floor and headed to the living room.

- Mum! I'm home!

- How did you do on that math test, i heard her answer from the kitchen,

- I did great, i got an A!

I was lying

- And did you make any new friends?

- Uhm yeah, a lot, so much friends haha...

Again lies

- Get your homework done now, we have to talk Eyra.

She sounded really serious which was scary. My mum was always strict, controlling everything all the time and not letting me be free... Freedom, i could have done a lot of things for her to let me hang out with people. I didn't even care who, as long as i could leave the house. But today, it was different, she used that voice, THE voice. The voice parents use to talk about important things such as death or divorce.

I ran up the stairs to my room and quickly looked through my homework. Today was a lazy day, so i decided to lie. I put some random exercises i did last week on my desk and went back downstairs.

She was standing next to the window, probably thinking about work.

- Darling... I don't really know how to put this. You know things have been tough for me: work, pressure, your failure, this new house... You know, i often told you about my youth, right?

- Yeah, i said, holding my breath

- I used to go to a boarding school, right?

Oh no
Fuck no

Not a fucking boarding school

- Oh yeah right, and?

- Well, i think it's better for both of us if you go to one. Is it okay with you?




I'm not doing this shit

She can't juste exile me like that

I have to resist

- Uhm, okay i guess. I'll be fine, boarding schools are sooo cool, i answered
I hated boarding schools, but i just couldn't say anything. I tried, believe me, but when i tried to say no, it just didn't work, she scared me.

- Great! You're leaving on sunday, that would leave you a day to pack. I have some important things to attend to, you know, work. I probably won't be around for the weekend, might miss your departure.

I nodded, grabbed a cookie from the kitchen and went back in my room. I slowly ate it while thinking about the school. Would my life be this bad? I mean maybe people would be nice and anyways it wouldn't be my first time (and certainly not my last) changing schools.
I grabbed my laptop to do some research on the school.

"The Claires School for young girls"
Sounds boring as hell

So no boys? Only girls, i wondered? I clicked on a few things to then find out that there's a boy's part too in the school but we aren't supposed to see each other. It said that "young girls must maintain an elegant lifestyle with dignity" and that "boys must start their journey to become true gentlemen"

so boys and girls are separated, what are we? sex craving animals?


Sunday came quickly. My luggage was ready, rather small because i would wear an uniform. My mother wasn't here, which didn't change much because she still left a letter full of pressure for me to read. The letter looked more like a shopping list...

" Eyra,
Make friends
Be nice and pretty
Do not meet up with boys
Tidy up your room
Get good grades, i only want As
Tell your father i don't want him here
When you come back i will test you on your knowledge.

I sighed, writing a little ok in a corner of the paper. I already knew all those things, and i already did what was forbidden.

The taxi arrived, i hopped in. The ride was going to be long, 3h30 if everything went as planned.

- Do you think i should wear lipstick? i asked the taxi driver

- What?

- Well the school is private and kind of strict, but i'm supposed to make friends. Girls. So maybe if they see my lipstick they're going to like me you know?

- Miss i don't really understand what you're telling me about and truth is i don't give a shit.

I didn't answer, that was rude. My hopes of befriending the driver vanished. I was going to spend a few hours listening to music.


"Miss, we arrived."

I looked through the car's window, so this is it. The Claires School for young girls... It was a rather sad building, old but pretty. The type of building that has a stupid history that i'll have to know by heart.

I opened the car's door, it was raining. The driver handed me my luggage. Weirdly, nobody was waiting for me.


I turned around, annoyed.

- What a fuck is wrong with you? I'm appreciating the building! Doesn't culture mean nothing to you? You grand parents died building this ugly school. I mean maybe your parents, you look rather old...

- But- the taxi guy tried to reply
- It's the skincare, i'm sorry. You have to take care of your skin! See these wrinkles? They look awful.

- You didn't pay me

- What

- You perfectly heard me

- Right, uhm

I starting looking through my bag. I thought someone from the school would pay. I found some money and handed it to him.


I loved getting angry at people i didn't know. It was easier, there were no consequences. Plus it was funny. He left. Now there was just me standing in front of the building. It was starting to rain.

Okay you can do this
Big breath
And go!

I pushed the large wooden front door. Still nobody, then, i heard noises of someone running, in heels. A small woman appeared, she introduced herself as Mrs Joplin, the vice-principal. She told me about the rules, the dresscode.

No smoking, drinking, sex, going out after 6 and blah, blah blah...

" So now your tutor! Yours is Mr Anderson, history teacher. "

DAINTY • 18+ [teacher x student]Where stories live. Discover now