"I do, sir."

"And what do you wish to present?" Crouch wasted no time interrogating the prisoner.

"I have names, sir." Karkaroff peered down at Barty Crouch. "There was, us, Rosier. Evan Rosier."

Barty Crouch waved his hand impatiently for his attendee to hand him the correct file. "Mr. Rosier is dead."

"Yea, but he sure took a piece of me with him, though. Didn't he?" Alastor Moody leaned down to whisper to Professor Dumbledore. Pollux stared at the Auror curiously. Moody smiled at his own joke. He seemed so different to the man who would one day be his professor. Pollux wondered how old this memory of Dumbledore's was. He turned back to the prisoner in the middle of the room.

"I didn't know." Karkaroff deflated.

"If that is all the witness has to offer-" Barty was looking to get this over with.

"No! No, no!" Karkaroff pleaded. "There was Rookwood. He was a spy!"

"Augustus Rookwood? Of the Department of Mysteries?"

"Yea, yea! The same!" Karkaroff rushed out. "He passed information to You-Know-Who from inside the Ministry itself!"

"Very well. Council will deliberate." Barty concluded. "In the meantime you will return to Azkaban."

"NO!" Karkaroff cried again. "No, wait! Please, I have more!" He leaned into the bars of his cage. "What about Snape? Severus Snape?"

Pollux tilted his head at the accusation. The mention of his potions master's affinity for the Dark Arts was not lost on him. Professor Dumbledore stood beside him, and he and Harry looked up at him. "As the council is very much aware, I've given evidence on this matter. Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater," Pollux startled at this information. "And prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall, turned spy for us at great personal risk."

"That's a lie!" Karkaroff spun around in his cage furiously. He screamed and yelled at Professor Dumbledore as his Headmaster sat down on the bench. "Snape remains faithful to the Dark Lord!"

"Today he's no more than a Death Eater than I am."

"Silence!" Barty Crouch banged his gavel on the judge's podium in front of him. "Unless the witness possesses any genuine name of consequence, this session is now concluded."

"Oh, no, no, no, no." Karkaroff moaned. "I've heard about one more" Pollux, as well a Dumbledore rolled their eyes at the insistence of him continuing to drag on.

"What's that?"

"The name."


"This person also took part in the killing of the remaining Jones Family, as well as the search for Aurors Gemini and Nathan Jones, and the remaining Elementals for the Dark Lord's use!" Pollux stood to his feet, furious as he heard his mother's name. "I know for a fact that this person took part in the capture, and by means of the Cruciatis Curse, torture of Auror Frank Longbottom, and his wife."

"The name! Give me the wretched name!"

"Barty Crouch!" Karkaroff finally screamed out. He leaned in close to the bars of his cage as he stared down at the mustached man. "Jr."

Pollux turned to where Karkaroff was staring, a tall man in a pinstripe suit sneered at the prisoner and tried to escape. Alastor Moody whipped out his wand from inside his coat, pointing it at Barty Crouch's son as he tripped and fell into the papers at the bottom of his father's podium. The Azkaban guards hoisted him to his feet as Barty Crouch Sr. stared down at his crazed son blankly. Barty Crouch Jr. struggled and stared back at his father with eyes alight with evil. Pollux wanted so badly to climb over the patrons of the Wizengamot to strangle this man.

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