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Chenle and Nari entered their first period history class, happily chatting with one another.

Their entrance immediately caught the attention of Minju, who shared the same class. The girl tried to get Chenle's attention by waving at him. The Chinese glanced in her direction, but ended up ignoring her gesture.

Defeated, Minju slumped in her seat. She hated it when they fought, though she's not too sure if it was even considered a fight in the first place. She didn't think anything she did or said was wrong. So, why was Chenle so mad?

Minju watched as the two took a seat right behind her, confused as Chenle usually sat next to her. "You're changing desks?" She suddenly asked.

Both Chenle and Nari looked up at the girl, Chenle slightly raising his eyebrows. "Uhm, yeah... I wanted to talk to Nari more. Sua wouldn't mind sitting next to you, anyway."

Minju looked visibly taken aback. "Oh... okay, then." She briefly glanced at Nari who only watched the two, before turning back around in her seat.

It didn't take long for Sua to show up for class as well, a big smile on her face. "Hey! Oh, Nari!"

Nari made sure to greet Sua back with the same amount of enthusiasm. She was definitely happy to see the other after a few days.

"Hey, Su..." Minju called out to her friend after Chenle and Nari started their own conversation again. Sua hummed, waiting for Minju to speak. "Do you think Chenle is mad at me because of Eun Ae?"

"What do you mean?" Sua questioned.

"Well... He's acting really weird towards me. And he-"

"Chenle." The boy perked up at the mention of his name, looking at Sua. "Are you mad?"

Chenle looked at the older in perplexity. "I'm not mad?" He answered, sounding more like he's questioning himself.

Sua turned to look at Minju, gesturing for the girl to speak up. The latter awkwardly cleared her throat, turning to look at Chenle who was waiting for her to speak. "I was just being dumb, but if you are mad... I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you."

Chenle sighed, adjusting in his seat. "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but not everything is about you, Minju. I'm not mad at anyone. I just want to spend more time with Nari."

The latter shyly looked away at the mention of her name. She was too timid to get herself involved in whatever is going on between Chenle and Minju. She could feel Minju's gaze on her, her cheeks flushing in nervousness.

"I understand that..." Minju started, flashing a quick smile. "How about you come over today? It's Thursday, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Sua?" Chenle and Sua looked at each other, contemplation in their eyes.

"Sure, I'll let Jisung know." Sua finally answered. Minju nodded her head, looking at Chenle, hopeful that he'll agree.

"When do I ever not come?" Minju giggled at his answer, about to speak when Chenle spoke up again. "What about you, Nari?"

Nari was shocked by the sudden question, but Chenle's reassuring smile comforted her greatly. "I mean, it's been a while... But it would be fun to hang out again."

"Great! Everyone confirmed. So, we'll just meet up after school? Nari can just drive with me."

"Yep, I'm going to catch a lift with Jisung." Sua answered. Chenle nodded in affirmation, as Minju silently turned back to the front.


The school day came to an end faster than they had expected. All five of them exited their respective last period classes, meeting up at the front of the school.

They broke into the pairs they had discussed earlier the day, as Minju went to find Jaemin.

"Hey," She greeted as she spotted her brother standing with his three friends.

"Oh, you're here. Can you wait like two more minutes?" Jaemin asked, Minju nodding.

"That's okay, but the rest are coming over so we need to hurry." Minju casually spoke to her brother, completely ignoring the stares from Renjun and Jeno.

Donghyuck looked up from his phone, overhearing the conversation. "We're coming over too, though?"

Minju looked over at the boy, eyebrow raised. "Oh? I mean, it's a big house. Plus, we're all friends, right?"

"Uhm... yeah, I guess." Donghyuck answered, glancing at Renjun.

The latter shrugged, adjusting his bag. "We better get going then. Chenle won't be happy having to wait for you to show up."

Minju chuckled at his words. "You're right. Let's go, Jaem."

They split up, all 5 of them driving back to the Na residence as per usual. Minju always wondered how come it's so normal for both her and Jaemin's friendgroup to just automatically gravitate toward their house whenever it came to planning hangouts.

It didn't really matter anyway, she loved it when her friends were there. Their presence made her the happiest. "How was your day?"

Minju snapped out of her daydream after Jaemin's sudden question. He asked her this every day, but somehow this time it sounded so foreign to her. "Uhm... it was a definitely a day."

Jaemin laughed at her answer, knowing exactly what she meant. "How about yours? Anything interesting happen with Heeseung?" Minju wiggled her eyebrows.

"No," Jaemin casually said, focusing on the road in front of him. "We were just doing some final preparations for graduation next month."

Realization then settled in. Jaemin was graduating soon and then she'll no longer be able to drive with him to and from school, she won't be able to pass him in the hallways anymore. She won't be seeing him much in fact as the male was going to a university far away from home.


"You'll finally be forced to get your driver's license." Jaemin snorted, making Minju turn to him with a glare.

"I don't know how to drive..."

Jaemin chuckled at her words, briefly glancing at her before setting his eyes on the road again. "Then you'll just learn, nothing to worry about."

Minju huffed, crossing her arms simultaneously. "But... I like you driving me around."

"You're just going to have to get used to me not being around to do that anymore." Jaemin tried his best to keep his tone gentle as he knew Minju was very sensitive on the topic of him leaving.

"It won't be the same without you." The girl's words were so quiet Jaemin could barely pick it up.

The male tried to suppress a smile, trying to hide the effect that her words had on him. "I'll always come visit during holidays."

Minju sighed, turning her head to look out the window instead. The rest of the drive was silent, however it didn't take long for them to drive through the gates of their home.

Jaemin watched as his sister practically jumped out of the car as soon as he came to a stop. He stared after her as she ran up to her friends, who had already been waiting for her. He once again smiled to himself, knowing that she'll be just fine without him.

filler 😃👍

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