Stella's eyes and noise were bleeding badly but it stopped after a couple of minutes. She was so tired and she heard groaning behind her and some people were angry at her.

"My house! What the hell did you do?!" The lord yelled.

"Monster!" Yelled someone else as she looked behind her to see she hurt so many people.

"Geralt! Jaskier!" She yelled as she went to there side.

"I'm so sorry! I lost control for a minute I was angry, I'm sorry!" She panicked as she tried to help Jaskier first. Luckily he only got a little bit of wood in his arm and was able to take it out.

"We will live, everything is alright," Geralt said as he took out wood out of his leg.

Geralt had no idea she could do magic like that at all. It was simple easy spells that he saw her do but something like this was unexpected. An axe barely missed her as the people from the party were angry and wanted her blood.  She backed off in pure panic as people were screaming at her. Geralt never seen her so afraid or upset in his life.

"Stella you are fine breath," Geralt said calmly as she started panicking.

"I want her head! She is a monster!" The lord yelled as some men got swords and what ever they could to hurt her.

"Run Stella!" Jaskier shouted as she looked so heart broken.

"I'm not I monster, my father maybe one but I am not a monster. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I really didn't!" She cried as she got up and whistled for her horse. 

"Go where we first met everything will be fine I promise," Geralt said as she started to cry.

"I'm sorry but I don't ever want to hurt my brothers again. I got to leave you both for good I'm sorry," she informed as she got on her horse and took off.

Geralt got up quickly and drew his sword making them stop. None of them seemed brave enough to fight him and they started backing off. Geralt was not going to let them hurt her for an accident. She didn't mean for them to get hurt it was clearly an accident. She was terrified and now he was going to have to track her down so he could talk to her which now was going to be hard.

"Step aside witcher! Not only has that creature ruined my wedding but ruined my home!" He growled.

"She was saving your wife! Now I don't know why these people were after her but she protected all of you! She isn't a monster!" He informed.

"Says the monster, I know what a monster looks like and both of you are monsters. Kill her and I will triple the coin I paid you," he informed.

"Are you joking? Do you have any idea what she has been threw? The only reason why she was angry was because I provoked her and then that man came to kill your wife," Jaskier pointed out.

"He wasn't here to kill me," Rose said as she sighed a bit.

"Rose don't you speak," her husband growled.

"I was promised to someone else and I ran away to marry him. They were actually going to kill him and take me," she informed.

"Well I hope it please you to hear this but your husband was with two other women, that blond and that red head over there!" Jaskier pointed out to the women that were with there husband's.

"You cheated on me on my wedding day?!" She screamed.

Geralt also never seen Jaskier so angry, what happened when they went outside?

"I left my family for you!" She yelled.

"There were also two assassins not just the one so I'm sure Stella was right and he was going to kill you. I mean the only real reason is if you had money and land. You did sign the documents right?" Jaskier asked as she looked at him with pure rage.

"You are a monster!" She screamed, "I loved you!"

"You can't have children and that is something I can't live without!" He growled.

"The marriage is over, the land and money will go back in there name immediately and we will take her home," one of the men said.

"I object I own it all now!" He yelled.

"Any objections and I will kill you free of charge," Geralt stated.

"Thank you for saving me from this foul creature if you need any place to stay for a while. My family will gladly let you both stay as well as your friend that my ex husband harmed. Also we will be giving you three six times what he paid you to keep me safe. I am really sorry for everything," she apologized.

"No reason to do that, we will be on our way," Geralt said then he went to the stables quickly and untied Roach.

"Do you think we will find her again?" Jaskier asked.

Geralt paused as he finished and looked at him.

"What did she tell you? Something changed between you two?" He asked.

"I can't tell you all of it. She asked me not to, but I can tell you that her life wasn't easy," he said softly.

"Where will she go?" He asked.

"Look Geralt, I don't fucking no I pissed her off and she told me what her life was like that was it! She was right about that guy to, it's no wonder she can't trust anyone and she called us her brothers. That is the closest we will ever get to her. If I tell you anything about her life she will never forgive me and I rather die then actually tell you," he informed.

"Okay, I will see if I can track her by her blood but if she reaches a river or a stream I won't be able to track her any more," he stated.

"We found her twice I think a third time will be easy," Jaskier smiled, "I just hope she will still trust us. She may not trust herself around us."

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