The bodies of Stavropol

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Someone was trying to kill Ana. 

No doubt about it, someone had hit her with a car and was currently approaching her with a knife, after all. To stab her for good measure she figured. Trust is good, controll is better, as the saying goes.

If she was not going to die from internal bleeding, she would bleed out the good old fashioned way: An open-cut throat. They really wanted to make sure she would not survive.

But Ana would be damned to go down without a fight. So she gathered herself off the ground and her world started spinning.

As she was stumbled across the empty campus trying to get away from her attacker, she couldnt help but be annoyed at her murderers timing.

Why did it have to be tonight. Tomorow were her finals, for which she had studied months for. Now all that was in vain and down the drain since she'd be dead anyway. She'd never actually be a doctor. All she'd leave behind was a pretty corpse and an ugly debt. Not like that be her proboem, since she'd be dead anyway.

Ana burst through the door to the pathological department and instantly the smell of formaldehyde hit her, making her dizzy.

An unfairly pretty pair of hands grabbed Anas blond locks and yanked her backwards. She felt her scalp and eyes burn. On instinct Ana whipped her elbow back, cracking the eye socket of her attacker. For a moment she thought she'd won the struggle. She heard curses and then cold metal against her throat.

In an instance a knife cleanly cut through both her carotid arteries. Numbly she felt herself being dragged across the clinically white floors. Her body left a trail of red smears.

Looking up through her bloodstained sight, she locked eyes with her murderer and altough she hated to admit it:

Death really was awfully pretty, even with a bloody eye.

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