Chapter 1- In which Lea charms her way into someones heart

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It was no secret, that Lea liked to test her limits with alcohol as well as other substances. Outside of exam season that is, of course. She was a responsible druggie after all.

Therefor Rodja wasn't too surprised to find her passed out on the floor in front of his dorm room, even though the last exam had ended not even five hours prior.

He had almost overlooked her small figure laying sprawled out on the floor, had he not flung the door straight into her face as he exited his room.

His eyes searched for the source of the groans that followed and there she was: Brown strands standing in every direction as she cradled her face and cursed under her breath.

The way she always found herself in front of his dorm when she stumbled through the hallways was amazing, really. She looked up at his frowning face and already felt ten times sicker than before.

"Oh god Lea not again... Do you ever take a break?", Rodja sighed.

He took a step forward and crouched down to her level, helping her sitting up. Habitually he took her face between his hands and urged Lea to look at him.

After checking her pupils and concluding that he got lucky this time, as she had only consumed an ungodly amount of liquor and no other substances, Rodja skilfully put Leas hands over his shoulders and heaved her onto his back as if he had done it a hundred times before.

Which he had. Unfortunately.

"One of these days I'll really leave laying on the floor", He grumbled under his breath.

But Rodja knew his conscience would never let him do that. No matter how much she hurt him with her self destructive behaviour or how much his back would hurt, he'd carry her to the cadaver lab on the other side of campus and back again if he'd have to.

"What did you just say", Lea slurred while lifting her heavy head of his shoulder.

"I said you smell like you had a passionate night with cheese."

"You know what, I felt bad before, but now I'm glad I am drooling all over your shirt. "

"Shut up and sleep", he surpressed a smile as he braced himself for a tedious walk across campus with a heavy, drooling Lea on his back.


Rodja patted Leas back as she heaved for the third time.

Last nights endeavours had left her with a splitting headache and a funny feeling in the stomach.

And finally, first period anatomy had driven her over the edge, as she immediately stormed out of the dissection hall and into the nearest bathroom stall.

Naturally, Rodja had followed her immediately.

Now they were both squatting in a stall of the women's bathroom.

"Are you done yet? We are going to miss the cleaning of the intestines and the rectum", he joked as he gathered her hair and held it in case she'd start heaving again.

"Oh my god just shut up will you. Why don't you shove your finger through the ileocaecal valve and tell me what you think that corpse last meal was."

A genuine laugh escaped his throat, in a way it only happened when Lea was around.

"I'll let the professor know your not feeling well. That you've got a headache from the formaldehyde or something. I will think of something so take your time. Oh, and you might want to be careful when taking your lab coat off. I don't think the body donors intestines is the only thing you've dunked those sleeves in today."

Rodja smiled at her anguished face and walked back out in the direction of the dissection hall.

And as he reached the corridor, he really hoped she had learned her lesson and would finally stop drinking.

Rodja sometimes worried that the way she was living, she'd die before him. The thought bothered him to no end. The both of them were attached by the hip ever since high Lea broke into his dorm room after a night out.

She had mistaken it for hers which actually was in a different building across the campus, but Rodja lent her his bed that night and watched out so she wouldn't choke on her vomit while she slept.

Before she had passed out, Rodja was inclined to throw her out of his room, but intoxicated Lea was surprisingly charismatic and witty. She knew how to figure out what people want to hear and get to them. Together with her boldness that came with substances, she owned the world.

And that way she weaseled her way into Rodjas heart that night.

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