6. Sana Shergill

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Dedicated to trysttoinfinity

Presenting Sana Shergill
From the book "Siyaasat"
Written by trysttoinfinity


A Flame of fire
A piece of Art
Everyone desired
A piece of her heart
She is fierce
Would never back down
To anyone who tried to knock
Off her crown!

Beauty with brain,
A savage queen,
A vicious lady with a commendable presence of mind, Her aura is dauntless!
She is none other than Sana Shergill!

Let's read and know more about her from her creator!

Q: Tell us something interesting about Ms Shergill which wattpadian don't know already?
A: Sana Shergill is a mystery in herself, you can know her all yet not predict her next move.So, well there is no one thing, but if I do have to name it, she is a trained kathak dancer.

Q: what was the inspiration behind her character and how difficult was it to potray emotions in such a strong lady like her?
A: Inspiration? She is herself an inspiration and that is the whole idea behind writing this character, creating a character, mainly a woman who inspires you in every action of hers, who holds the reigns in this patriarch society.

Q: was 'Sana Shergill' based on a real person or was she a pure figment of imagination
A: Sana Shergill is not, can not be based on one person or being, she is based on multiple strong women, on every woman with a voice and headstrong personality.

Q: How 'Ms Shergill'  always managed to make perfect strategies against her enemies?
A: Well she never makes strategies, she does it in spur of the moment, you can have any move, but you can't check mate her - and her self reliance on that is her best strategy.

Q: One Favourite quality of Sana Shergill?
A: I adore her way too much to name one, you guys got one?

Q: what do you hate/ don't like about HER?
A: That she is fictional. We could really use her now in these changing dynamics .

Q: Among all your female characters, whome you do relate to the most?
A: Each of them, and so would you all somewhere, maybe that is the thing about us women, we all have strories that may resemble at one point or another.

Q: If you re write the character, what would you like to change & why?
A: Not even her nail color.

Q: How did you come up with the title "Siyaasat" ? Is there any particular reason or story to pick this?
A: "Siyaasat" - If I say I wrote the book because I liked the name, would it be fair? Because that's the way it is, the title holds the story in itself, it holds the meaning to each page and chapter of the book, and you shall know it begins and ends with it, because when Siyaasat comes in play, all else takes a back seat.

Q: What was your first reaction when people began loving MS. Shergill?
A: Proud. I felt proud of having an audience that respected and loved such woman.

Q: Is there any massage in your book which you want your readers to understand?
A: Don't be afraid. Being afraid is worst you can do to yourself, take risks to be you,to find you.

Few Questions from readers:

Q: what makes HER different from your other protagonist?
A: Maybe that she wears Sarees too much.

Q: How would SHE define power?
A: Power to her means owning it in, with and on herself, she may twist the roles but she always likes pulling the ropes.

Q: How your writing justifies the character more and what you want to tell about why people love your serenity about writing so much?
A: Well it's all them, you should ask them, I mostly feel I am writing trash. Hah

Q: Does Sana shergill reflects you personally?
(p.s also she said that you are her favorite author here)
A: That's so kind. Thank you❤️
I feel every character I write reflects me, even if in slightest trait, for they are all saplings of my imagination.

Q: what inspired you to write HER character?
A: The idea of her.

Q: Can you define HER in Only 3 words?
A: Sana shergill , Sana shergill , Sana shergill.
She likes to keep it like that.

Extremely grateful to Ritu for giving this amazing interview! Really appreciate your hardwork and all efforts behind this masterpiece.
Wish you all the very best!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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