The Tower of Infinity (1)

Start from the beginning

I ended coughing from the stink.

Sapin was generally worse smelling than Elenoir, which I realized after arriving at the city. Unlike where one could wash at any river in the forest, water seemed a scarcer resource in the floating city.

"Oh my..."

Aya pinched her nose, and Alea and I followed suit.

Walking up to the receptionist's counter, Alea tried to speak, but I stopped her. As much as it would be nice, revealing her elvish identity might make this a lot more difficult, especially in an anti-elf social climate.

"Excuse me!"

Taking off my hood, I flagged down a receptionist.

"Yes, hello—"


I remembered her, and judging from her facial expression, it seemed she remembered me.

"If I recall, you're Sophia Bluelight, right? From back during the tournament."

"Y-yes! That's me. I'm surprised you remembered."

Pulling out the extravert Arias within me, I conversed like a regular human being.

"I remember most faces."

"I see. So, you're here today...?"

"Ah, right. I'm meeting some people here today under... right there."

I pointed at a reserved room.

"Then, the two behind you must be Aureate and Phantasm."

"That's right."

"Normally, we'd have to do a lot more identity confirmation nonsense, but I can just pass you all through."



"Thank you!"

"Just... could sign this for me?"


"My son's your fan."

"Ah! I see, of course."

Though I was surprised that signature culture was a thing in a fantasy world like this, I quickly obliged as revealing Alea and Aya's appearance as elves in a bar filled with mostly hot heated adventurers with egos the size of Etistin who probably hated elves might end seriously badly... for them.

"And you're all set. Third floor, room 3-S."

"Got it, thanks again."

"No problem."

Thanking the woman, I began walking towards the stairs before I was stopped by a big adventurer. Judging from his pinkish cheeks, he seemed drunk.

"Hey, hic. This ain't no place for no kids."


I turned to Alea and Aya, but they had abandoned me and were making their way up the steps.


I sighed, wondering how I would deal with this big oaf.

Sending some mana into my eyes, he seemed to be... a dark orange core. Not terrible but—

"Ey! Did you hic, just sigh at me!??"

My expression warped, and I glared at him. If there was one thing I hated, it was being interrupted mid-thought.

"I did."

Looking straight into his ugly brown eyes, I smirked.


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