37 || The Community House

Start from the beginning

Our cloaks billow behind us as we sweep out the door and run down the stairs. I set my hood over my head and so does Tommy, Techno and Phil. I pull out an invisibility potion for each of us. They were from the emergency supplies so they wouldn't last long, we'd have to be in and out of the place quickly which meant if they wore off we'd have to keep our faces hidden. 

Phil holds the horses still as we hastily mount. The horses sense our anxiousness and start dancing about beneath us. We'd have to take them through the nether. 

Then it hit me. I was going into the SMP. 

I would be surrounded by people who know who I am and will undoubtedly have questions. I just have to stay hidden and get us in and out before we're exposed. 

As soon as Phil is mounted we set off at a gallop towards the portal. The ground thunders beneath us as we burst through the strange purple wall and into the burning heat. The horses didn't seem to be phased by the sudden change - thanks to Techno's training - and we continued quickly over the bridges to the main portal. 

Our approach brings knots into my stomach and my heart into my throat. Was I doing this?

My choice was taken away from me the minute Tommy, Techno and Phil disappeared through the portal and back to the overworld. I would have to follow them now. 

The scene was unlike anything I have seen before. There were so many people, it was unnerving. People from the SMP and L'Manburg had come to see the damage. 

From what I could see, the building was barely standing. The roof had been ripped off and the second floor had crashed onto the ground floor. Only the brick walls stood, although it seemed as though they could be blown to the ground by a gentle breeze. Wreckage littered the lake and the paths were damaged and were unstable. 

The look on Tommy's face brings me back to my senses. It was like something inside of him had shattered. 

"Potions," Techno mumbles. 

I take the vial from my pocket and down the substance pushing all other thoughts to the side. We slip off our horses and lead them away from the crowds where we wouldn't be seen. People had gathered to the edge of the paths until the places where it was unsafe to stand. 

As we moved closer to the small crowd at the base of the stairs to the nether portal, I could see some familiar faces. At the front of the main path stood Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity and Ranboo. On the other path, I could see Dream and Eret.  

I moulded into the crowd not knowing where Techno, Phil or Tommy had disappeared to. It was a tight squeeze to slip past people without them noticing. Eventually, I  made it to the front of the crowd. I made sure to stand a few paces in front of the crowd staying careful of the unsteady splintering wood. 

The building that had once cast looming shadows in the late afternoon had been reduced to rubble. Up close I could see now that there are gaping holes where the doors had once been. Shattered glass and bits of wood lay on the floor as well as at the bottom of the lake. There was shattered stone and bits of dirt from the window boxes in the water too. The usual crystal clear water was murky and brown. 

There was a stink in the air that told me exactly what had done this. Sulfur creates a massive stink after explosive reactions. It was in the metallic sting of gunpowder and I could smell it now clinging to the broken walls like sweat. 

Someone has blown up the Community House. 

I feel a strong breeze sweep through the building and blow my hood from where I had pulled it over my head. I pull it back and then look down at my hands. The invisibility potions wouldn't last much longer. We had to move to higher ground. 

I look around for Techno and Phil but then realise that they're invisible too. I just have to trust that they're in a safe place. I start to work my way back through the crowd when something bumps my shoulder. I spin but see nothing. But then I notice the shifting of people and confused murmurs. 


I curse and follow the shifting looking for him. I find myself back at the front of the crowd. 

Where the fuck did he go? I feel anxiety prick at my senses and worry make a pit in my stomach. 

That's when I hear the creaking. I look at the path in front of me and see the burnt and loose planks of the path were moving. Tommy was going into the Community House. 

I look down at my hand frantically again and notice invisibility slowly fade. I need to get him out of here before he causes a world of trouble. I yank at my hood as the wind howls. Being invisible was the last of my problems if Tommy was in the middle of the Community House.  

The gasping and whispers of people behind me tell me that I'm no longer invisible. That the symbol of the Antarctic Anarchist Empire was bold on the back of my cloak for all to see. I notice Tommy's invisibility fade. The crowd bursts into murmurs as Tommy's cloak is there for all to see. 

Behind me, I hear screams and I know Techno's invisibility is gone too. I look over at Tubbo and Ranboo and they shoot me a worried glance. I don't have to look to know Dream is watching me worriedly from the opposite side of the lake. The wind picks up again and I hold my hood. 

Something's wrong. 

The voices are no longer incoherent, they could feel something just as wrong as I could. They shout various warnings and I can't contain myself anymore. 

"Tommy!" I call to him and the wind blows wildly blowing off his hood. The crowd stops murmuring and suddenly there are shouts and yelling. They all know he was supposed to be dead. 

"TOMMY!" I shout as loud as I can over the crowd and the voices. 

He looks up at me with wide terrified eyes. Like a dear in headlights, he was frozen. He had seen something. I force myself to strut down the beaten path towards him and notice something under his hands. 

It was red. 


That's when the bombs went off. 


*evil author noises*

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