37 || The Community House

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I knew he was referring to the house I lived in with him, George and Sapnap. But I can't help but wonder if I'll even feel at home there anymore. It's been so long; we don't even know where George and Sapnap are. 

"I'll see you soon," he mumbles and tightens the hug. I bury my nose into the crook of his neck. 

"See you soon."

I watch Dream as he walks away. He doesn't look back, we both knew if he did he'd probably turn around and not go back to the SMP at all. I groan internally when I hear the voices rise and start to fuss. They'd been so quiet whilst he was here, it was almost like heaven. 

"He has people who depend on him," I tell them. Although, I feel as though I'm telling myself that too. It doesn't help. 

I turn to go inside but can't stop the sad pang that echoes through my body when I realise that I'm the only one home. I groan and grab my cloak from the hook and adjust my crown before heading to Techno's house. 

I'm surprised when only see Tommy and Techno in the main room with Steve. Usually, Phil would be making tea, cleaning up after breakfast or digging through papers. 

"Where's Phil?" I ask and hang my cloak on its peg between Techno and Tommy's cloaks. 

"He lost a crow or something I don't know," Techno grumbles making me smile. 

Techno had something against those crows. He was always calling them dumb or stupid especially when one of them got lost. It's usually only the younger ones who get lost or are silly and get distracted by corn or get scared by scarecrows. 

"They're just birds Techno," I shake my head as he goes on about how they're mean to be smart. 

The chomp of teeth through a golden apple steers him away from his thoughts. The room drops to silence and we all look at Tommy who was halfway through a bite into his apple. 

"In my defence," he says finishing his bite. "I thought it was going to be quieter than that."

I sit in the chair at the desk and watch as they bicker. Tommy deflects all of Techno's scolding with jokes and dumb ideas. They were a good distraction, but the voices kept directing my mind to the absence of one person. 

A massive slam fills the room as Phil bursts through the door. 

I jump in my seat and Tommy falls over backwards in his landing with a groan on his back. Steve snorts irritatedly but then lays back down. I look at Phil and notice his expression. Something is wrong, something is very wrong. 

"Phil, what is it?" Techno notices too and is already on his feet making his way to an out of breath Phil. 

"The Community House... it's been destroyed," I feel the temperature in the room drop a few degrees. 

"Wait what?" Tommy rolls over leaving his half-eaten apple on the floor as he rubs his sore back. 

"What do you mean the Community House is destroyed?" I try. 
"WAIT WHAT?!" Tommy finally catches up. 

"We don't know what happened. I was looking for the crow but when I came out the nether portal there was a big crowd of townspeople. The Community House was nearly completely torn apart. It's barely standing."

I share a look with Techno and Tommy. This was an act of war against the SMP. The Community House has been a part of the city long before Dream's parents ruled the country. 

"We need to get a closer look," Techno says. We all nod and grab our things. We tighten our boots and Phil goes back outside to saddle our horses. 

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