When She met Him- Part 2

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At first I thought she is here to congratulate me but all of a sudden she forwarded a rose in front of me in her hands and closing her eyes tight she said me I Love You shocking me.

I was shocked and was not knowing how to react, suddenly my gaze fell on her friends who was sitting on the bar stools looking cheerfully in our direction like they are watching a interesting show. I had a slightest idea this is some prank or play, okay let me also have some fun.

I shifted my gaze towards Gauri, she was all nerves, eyes closed tight she was looking cute even when she was nervous. I stood there smiling at her observing her facial features her button nose, pink cheeks and plump kissable lips, Arghh I can't wait to taste her lips. She opened her eyes slowly at looked at me in a very innocent way. This girl really have a special powers in her that she can make me feel things even with a simple look.

I took flower from her and said I Love You too Gauri, which I really meant, tucking the rose in her hair, that beautiful flower deserves to be adorned by a even more beautiful girl. She looked at me shocked and said it is a dare, like I guessed.

"For you it might be a dare but what I am saying is truth. And I mean it " I said grazing my lips on her pink cheeks.

She looked at me biting her lip nervously. Why does she have to do that now like adding fuel to fire, at first it is hard for me to control and now she is making it worse.

"Now don't do that and make me think about sinful things that I can't control myself thinking about." I said and she looked at me confused, arghh why are you doing this to me god.

I made her release her lip with my fingers.

I averted my gaze from her lips before I do something I regret later and saw in the direction of her friends.

They are coming towards us, I introduced myself to her and bid her bye kissing on her forehead. If not lip kiss at least I can adjust with a forehead kiss.

I went back into the crowd to find Khanna.

I found Khanna and showed him Gauri and her friends asking him to get me details about her.

Pov ends.

Gauri is still not relieved from the shock Omkara gave her.

"Baal baal bach gaya. " Bhavya said breathing out a relaxed sigh settling on the bed in Gauri's room.

"Yes, everything happened because of this Ranveer, who asked you to take us for that party. " Anika scolded Ranveer.

"Hey, I myself don't know it's Oberoi's party, I thought it is some Random party. " Ranveer said defending himself.

"Okay guys leave it, good thing is that our parents or anyone didn't noticed us. Now let's ask Gauri about her experience with the dare." Bhavya said.

"Yes, bolo Gauri. How did you finished your dare? What did that guy said?" Anika asked.

"I saw his expression, it's like he got 10000 volt current shock. " Ranveer said laughing.

"You saw everything. " Gauri asked shocked.

"Nope, we were enjoying the show until you proposed him giving the rose. " Bhavya said.

"It was very interesting watching that guys expression when you gave him the rose but I missed everything that happened after that because of Chotepapa. " Anika said making Gauri sigh in relax.

"Not because of Chote papa, it's because of Ranveer." Bhavya said.

"Hey, I didn't did anything. In fact I was the one who saved you all. You know when I and chote papa both took the same glass of beer the bartender placed on the table. I was the first one to notice chotepapa and I immediately ran without getting noticed and made you all hide under the bar tables. Don't forget that If not me you guys might have been caught. " Ranveer said laying on the bed.

"Okay, you are the saviour. " Anika said joining both her hands and Ranveer acted like blessing.

"Gauri, tell us what happened after you proposed the guy, We didn't really saw what happened after that. " Bhavya excitedly asked Gauri.

"Nothing... Nothing happened. I said it's a dare and he said no problem." Gauri said hiding the details from her cousins.

"Such an good and understanding guy, from his expression we thought he will get angry or something." Anika said.

"How much good and understanding he is that I only know." Gauri mumbled cursing her fate.

Next day :

"I got all details about the girl, you showed me in the party sir. " Khanna said handing over the file to Omkara.

"Thank you Khanna and make sure no one knows about this. " Omkara said the last line in a serious voice.

"Got it sir. " Khanna said and moved out of his cabin leaving Omkara to study the file.

"Gauri Sharma, daughter of Harsh Sharma, papa's friend and business partner. Let's start our love story Jaan." Omkara said placing the file on the table and hugging himself dreamily.

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