“Feels good”, Adelind said.

“What gun is that?”, Tyson asked.

“It's a .30-06 chamber Minigun that fires explosive ammunition”, Ator said.

“Cool!”, Tyson hollered, “I want it!”

Ator laughed, “you like it when things explode huh Tyse?”

He nodded happily.

Ator laughed, “so do I.”

There was a sudden hushing as Nolan and Ness took the stage. Nolan tapped the microphone and spoke.

“I stand before you today with news that will shake you to your cores. Two days ago, Delta Headquarters at the temple in China was wasted by RDH forces.”

There was a gasp.

“Where there any survivors?”, a female from up front asked.

“No mam”, Nolan answered, “all dragons and humans at the temple were confirmed KIA.”

More silence.

“Last night, Echo Headquarters in Iraq was raided by Us Military forces and RDH as well as Project Draco members. The target was the hatchery and any dragon under the age of 7.”

Another gasp.

“Here, I have footage of the attack on the base. Be forewarned. What you are about to see is extremely graphic, it was shot by a 5 year old who was with his father when the raid commenced.”

Nolan picked up a remote and pressed play. The video started out with the little dragon walking out of a building where his Dad and a few friends were playing basket ball.

“Hey Dad”, he said, “look at what Mom got me for my birthday.”

“A new camera?”, the Dad asked.

“It has more storage on the card than my computer”, the hatchling said sounding rather excited.

“No video's comrade!”, one of the female drakes said attempting to cover up the camera.

The hatchling laughed and jerked away as the gunfire began to ring out. The hatchling's father told him to run and hide. The camera view shifted to sand as he ran back into the building he came. More dragons were running out the door to get in the fight. The video played for a few minutes, which had the little dragon hiding underneath some lockers. He turned the camera on himself, you could see the fear in his bright green eyes. He was hyper ventilating and there was sweat pouring from underneath his crests.

“There here”, he said quietly, “RDH is here.”

The gun fire stopped. He held his breath and turned the camera on the door as several humans dressed all in black ran down the hallway. An Anthro dressed in heavy body armor jumped out of now where and stabbed the lead human in the chest, knocking the others over when she pushed him off the knife blade. The Anthro managed to get four of the five humans, only to take a slug to the face which ripped half of her head off. Somehow, she managed to keep going. She grabbed the last human, threw him against the wall and broke the combat knife off in his skull as more RDH mercs stormed in and opened fire, tearing through the Anthro's armor and ripping her to pieces, sending bits of blood and bone everywhere.

The crowd stood completely quiet as the hatchling struggled to control his fear.

“Nhhhh... fuck”, he whispered as more humans entered and disappeared around the corner.

“I gotta get out of here”, he whispered to himself as he crawled out from under the lockers.

He stuck his head out the door. There were two humans who had their backs turned right there. He held his breath again and quietly slipped past them and into the alley way shared by the building he was in and the one next to it, taking off as fast as he could go.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now