october 23, 2018

47 3 0

(on a slightly crumpled paper)

My Love Dean,

     Hi. This is so weird. I don't even know why I'm writing you these. As you can how almost incomprehensible my penmanship looks like, I'm nervous.

I really don't mean to write you a letter. But you remember Kayla? She's my cousin that went with us at the music convention in NYC. We met earlier and she gave me this bunch of envelopes and fancy papers. I don't really know who else to write so I'm writing to you (which is weird because we see each other everyday and we have each other's number). But please play along since I would probably give this to you as a part of my gift on our anniversary — it's so near!

I love you

Okay what the hell. I'm gonna stop. This is freaking weird and not my thing. I'm sorry, love, but I'm gonna stop.

Ugh, I'm cringing.

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