Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 - ᴅᴇɴʏ, ᴅᴇɴʏ, ᴅᴇɴʏ

Start from the beginning

He picked up speed and went faster, then he accelerated even more down the long empty road to the Dingo, getting there faster gave him something else to think about and that settled his mind. Until red and blue lights flashed in his rearview mirror.

Great. Another amazing thing happened to him.

"Aw, shit..." Dallas mumbled to himself as he pulled over. He racked his mind to figure out if he was gonna be in a holding cell if Buck would kill him for getting his car towed or if he had any warrants he may have forgotten about.

Oh yeah, that was right, being with Blue had kept him out of trouble and oddly, that got him even madder!

There was a tap on the car window. A mustached cop made Dally roll his window down, he shined one of those big flashlights into the car, blinding Dallas.

"C'mon! I wasn't even going that fast!"

The cop ignored him. "Son, you have no idea how fast you were going. I barely saw you."

"Well, it ain't like there was anybody else out here."

"Have you been drinking tonight?"

"No, I ain't drunk alright? I ain't high either."

The cop shone the light into Dallas' eyes one more time before sighing. "Look since you were only going fast and not driving all crazy, I'll let you off with a warning. If I catch you again it's a ticket, you understand me?"

Dallas could hardly believe what he was hearing, this guy didn't even ask for a license or anything. He was probably at the end of his shift, tired. Maybe he had a little luck after all.

"Understood." The cop nodded and started to walk back to his car, Dallas waited for him to drive off before continuing his ride to the Dingo. "Sucker."

He went just as fast as he did before and in a flash, Dallas was at the diner anticipating a late-night Coke and fries just how he liked it.

Dallas parked the car close to the front entrance and hopped out, reaching in his back pocket to light a cigarette hoping it would rid him of some stress. He greeted a few greasers he knew that were lounging about the entrance before walking into the Dingo.

Dally went to sit over at his forever booth, right underneath the corner window where he could just see cars as they peacefully passed by. Now, this was what he wanted to feel, at peace somewhat.

A waitress who looked tired as ever started to approach him when she observed him sitting down, back to her, she didn't look at him till he spoke.

"What can I get you?"

"Fries and a Coke please."

Her eyes shot up, and now a slight flustered smile appeared over her face. "Dally? What're you doing here so late?"

There was that Texan accent and shortly enough, blonde hair came into Dallas' view. Now Dally knew his luck was running thin. Why did she have to work here?

"...Do I know you?" He tried to play it off, but he remembered how the girl ran from his room cursing, even though he was drunk at the time before his big argument with Blue.

"It's Wendy? From Buck's party now, I told you that I moved from Texas to here." She twirled her straight hair.

"Right. I think I'll take my Coke and fries now."

Her arms went flaccid and unimpressed and he looked glossed over Wendy. He barely remembered her and that drove her insane. Without a word though, she walked away from the table and Dallas was relieved.

BLUE EYE - A DALLAS WINSTON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now