Sweet Memories

128 11 4

Charlotte P.O.V》


Today was a half day at school, so we were released after fourth period.

When I told Chris about my mom, I was afraid he'd treat me like a kicked puppy, but he didn't... he just sat and listened. We sat on the school lawn and talked about it.

"What happened? "

Tears were flowing now, " Drunk driver."

"Where is she buried?"

"Meadow brook cemetery"

"Come here."

He gently grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms wrap around him, and buried my face into his chest as the tears flowed.

we stood there for what seemed like eternity, until he wiped my tears away and told me " meet me at my house at 9:00 if your dad allows it."

"My dad doesn't care. He doesn't even notice my existence. And I don't know where you live."

"Bradbury street" he said.

"Apparently we're neighbors"

"Then, I will see you then, neighbor." he said with a goofy grin.

"But, I can't walk home with you, I have to go get something..."

And the last I see of him is him running around the corner...

what is he up to?!


A/N do you ship them? Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't.... there will be new characters soon, along with romance, and drama.

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