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"It's not fair."

"Of course it's fair! You lost the bet. You know the rules kid. You were the one who propose the bet in the first place."

"But I don't want to be rude."

"Oh suck it up, besides this will be a great help for your little drama project."

"How'd you know about my drama project?"

"I'm Tony Stark, I know everything."


"Not my fault you haphazardly throw your stuff in my communal floor."

"If they hate me because of this, I'll never forgive you Mr. Stark."

"Fine, you can leave out Brucey and Rhodey on this one. Just because you're my intern and you're expected to know my trusted people."

"You make it sound like they're your servants."

"I am a King in my own right and unique way."

"Is this you admitting that you finally bought that castle?"

"Is it?"

"No way!"

"Shhhh, if Pepper hears about this I'm not gonna invite you there. Now, back to the bet."

"Fine. Still not fair. You're ruining the well-mannered boy that Aunt May raised. She'll be disappointed."

"Not gonna work. You don't get to use that. You already did that the last time. Face the consequence of doubting thee."

"Face it Mr. Stark we both know you would've done it if Miss Potts didn't showed up."

"Never thought I would've been so happy that Pepper forbid me to do something I want just to spite people I hate."

"We're getting off topic. You better do the dare, Parker."

"Okay everything is clear now. For the mean time all of you are under Stark's watch. Whatever he says goes as he is the one who will provide the roof above your heads, the food that you will eat and other necessities until everything have finally settled down. But if you don't wish to comply, the Raft is very much open for you to stay in." Ross said to the Rogue Avengers. Even if they want to disagree they were smart enough to know that it was better than being hunted by the government or being locked up at the Raft.

Tony and Rhodey waited for the rogue avengers to complain and they expected it to be . They were shock that they didn't although you can clearly see that they don't want to be watch over. Ross left them, leaving them in an awkward silence.

"Let's head to the Tower. You have your own rides. Let's meet up at the entrance. Let's go Tony." Rhodey said as he stood up to leave and waited for Tony to follow him.

"Please be noted that you are not to question how things have changed in the Tower. Whatever you see there is none of your business unless it's an Avengers type of matter. Fair warning I have an intern that have access to the Avengers floors, so don't be surprised. Listen to whatever he say. Do as he says if you know what's good for you."

"Welcome back to the Stark Tower, Avengers." Friday said when the Avengers entered the communal floor.

"Okay, old Avengers, same rooms. You know your way around here. New—Avengers? I don't know— but freshies just ask Friday where your rooms are. If you need to asked where things are you can ask her for some help too—"

"Mr. Stark, I'm back. I can't find that thing that you were asking me to look for. Friday said that it was last seen and used in your lab. Clearly. An overdue spring cleaning is—"

"Hey Kid! Come here for a second I need you to meet some people."

The Avengers were shock to see a teenager appearing right before there very eyes. They knew the Tony didn't like kids and teenagers.

"This is Peter, my intern. Kid meet the Avengers." The Avengers saw the look of confusion drawn in Peter's face.


"Yeah kid, the Avengers."

"Mr. Stark, did you get enough sleep? What are you talking about?"

"Peter, they—we are the Avengers."

"Avengers? Oh! Is it an organization or something?"

"No, actually—" Steve tried to tell the boy.

"Oh! So is this some kind of club? A band?!" Peter asked excitedly

"Yes we are a band, in fact I'm—" Tony said but Clint cut him off.

"No, we're the Avengers man, you never heard of us?" Clint ask

"No, should I?" Peter asked in confusion.

"You mean to tell me you never heard of the Avengers? Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Captain America? Come on, this guy? Ironman?" Sam asked

"What?" Peter asked still confused.

"Captain America, Steve Rogers, 100 year old world war hero? The hulk, giant green killing monster, Scientist Bruce Banner? Thor, a lightning god? Black Widow, Russian spy assassin? Him, Tony Stark, Ironman? Me? The oh so handsome, never missed, dashing archer, Hawkeye?"

"Are you on drugs or something?"

"We're superheroes." Scott said

"Yeah right and I'm a unicorn pegasus. You need help man. Mr. Stark I'll head back to the lab?"

"Yeah, my intern. He doesn't believe in those even if it punches him on the face. Now, kid don't be like that. Entertain our guest, serve some juice or some cookies."

"I see everyone is in here." Nick Fury said all of a sudden appearing in the shadows.

"Fuck Nick a little warning would be nice!" Tony exclaimed.

"You, leave, I need to talk to the Avengers." Fury said to Peter.

"You're not the boss of me." Peter said

"Well, I'm your boss's boss. Go."

"Yeah sure, like I'll believe you that Miss Potts has a boss."

"Listen here kid—"

"Stay back you one eyed bald headed gothic bitch."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me. This is Miss Potts' Tower. She appointed me to assist Mr. Stark and look after the Tower while she's gone. So, you listen to me. You don't get to send people out of this Tower. You don't get to order people around here. You don't have authority here. If you want to have a meeting. Do it in the meeting room 2 floors down. Any form of business or negotiation is forbidden in the communal floor."

"Kid, kid relax. Nick's good he's part of the band. Like our manager or something. You can go back to the lab. I'll handle my bandmates.

The Avengers have finally settled in the Tower. While they were all sleeping, Tony was hysterically laughing at the video of Peter insulting Nick Fury that is being played repeatedly.

"one eyed bald headed gothic bitch! Hahahahahaha! Oh my god! Hahahahaha"

"Stop it."

"Where did you get that? Hahahaha" Tony said while wiping the tears in his eyes.

"I don't know! I panicked!"

"Friday, change Nick Fury's file name to one eyed bald headed gothic bitch."

"Mr. Stark!"

"I've never been so proud." Tony said still laughing at what Peter said and Fury's reaction to it.

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