Big Warm Marshmallow

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"How's your week been kid?" Mr. Stark asked me out of nowhere while we were in his lab in the tower.

"It's good, I guess, nothing much happened. Not that much homework or any big injuries or fights on patrols. Why'd you ask?"

"Sorry that Tony and I haven't been there. We should've made some time for you." Miss Potts gave me a sympathetic look.

"It was your first week here in the compound, we should've checked in on you." Mr. Stark added.

"What? It's okay. I'm grateful for everything that you two have done for me and Aunt May. It's not necessary and I know you two are busy. I'm perfectly capable of taking care—making sure I'm alive but I know that the two of you are busy with SI and—"

"Let me stop you there Underoos, I—we were the ones who push through this arrangement. We should've fulfilled our parts as your secondary guardian, specially that Aunt May's still adjusting to her workload in her new job. Disclaimer, Pep and I are kinda new to this thing. We really don't have that much knowledge when it comes to taking care of a kid. It is our first time afterall—"

"What Tony is trying to say is that we want to make up for not spending some time with you." Miss Potts said. I just gave her small smile.

"And I'm saying that there's no need for it. You've gave and done enough— no, you've gave and done so much more. I have a roof on top of my head, I have food to eat. I don't have to go to sleep worrying that there will be someone breaking in and probably hurt Aunt May. I know very well that the two of you made sure that there is at least one bodyguard who's watching over my Aunt. I'm thankful. I really am. Plus, I don't have to worry about being late for school anymore. Friday and Happy made sure of it." I sincerely thank them.

"We appreciate your gratitude Pete. However we're still making up for the loss time. Besides it's high time that we tour you in the tower. You never had the chance too." Miss Potts insisted.

"You haven't tour the tower yet?" Mr. Stark asked shockingly.

"According to Friday, you immediately send Peter to the Penthouse or to your lab." Miss Potts replied.

"At least tell me you tour the compound." Mr. Stark pointedly looked at me.

"Well, no. I don't really have that much time. After school, I go straight to my room, then finish my homework, eat, then jump out of the window for patrol. When I come back I'll eat something sometimes and then I sleep. Wake up, go to school. The cycle goes on." I replied sheepishly.

"Besides, I think I'll be thrown out if anyone sees a teenager roaming around the tower or the compound." I added.

"What? No. Friday wouldn't let that happen kid. You have free access to every room in the tower. The Compound not so much but you can still access a lot though, you are Spidey after all." Mr. Stark said.

"Let's eat lunch then we can start with the tour." Miss Potts said as she grabbed both mine and Mr. Stark's wrist and pulling us out of the lab.

Once we were done with lunch. They excused themselves to get change. When they returned they're both wearing corporate attires. I looked down to my clothes. I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Maybe we should do the tour some other time. I'm not dressed appropriately for this" I commented.

"Well, you could borrow some of my old ones." Mr. Stark suggested.

"I don't want to wear a suit." I replied.

"You'll wear one eventually Kid."

"The one thing I like working as your intern is that I'm not required to wear dress pants and shirts, even though that I am working in a very popular and successful company."

Peter ft. Spider-ManWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu